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  • What are the Differences Between PTSD and C-PTSD

    Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and Complex-PTSD are complicated and life altering conditions They need our attention to help alleviate their symptoms and ideally heal. It is found in people that have suffered a significant traumatic event or series of events. These can range from childhood bullying, rape, child abuse, war, law enforcement, or any other terrifying or violent event. Everyone is unique in their ability to process and deal with trauma. PTSD is a serious disorder that increases the likelihood of suicide or intentional self-harm. PTSD is quite common, but its severity can vary dramatically. Complex PTSD (C-PTSD)– This type of trauma happens when someone experiences multiple and varied traumatic events that are invasive and personal. What are the other differences between PTSD and C-PTSD? Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) share similarities but also have distinct differences. Trauma Complexity: PTSD: Typically arises from a single traumatic event or a series of traumatic incidents. C-PTSD: Arises from prolonged, repeated trauma, often involving interpersonal relationships, such as childhood abuse, neglect, or captivity. Symptom Duration: PTSD: Symptoms may persist for months or years, but they often decrease over time. C-PTSD: Symptoms are enduring and may persist for years, even a lifetime, if left untreated. Symptomatology: PTSD: Primarily characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, hyperarousal, avoidance behaviors, and emotional numbness. C-PTSD: Includes symptoms of PTSD along with additional symptoms such as emotional dysregulation, distorted self-perception, interpersonal difficulties, feelings of shame or guilt, and a sense of emptiness or meaninglessness. Core Trauma: PTSD: Typically results from a discrete traumatic event like combat, natural disasters, accidents, or assault. C-PTSD: Arises from prolonged, recurring trauma, often in the context of interpersonal relationships, such as childhood abuse, domestic violence, or captivity. Impact on Identity: PTSD: May cause disruptions in one's sense of safety and trust, but the core sense of self may remain relatively intact. C-PTSD: Often leads to significant disruptions in one's sense of self, identity, and relationships, resulting in pervasive feelings of worthlessness, shame, or a distorted self-image. Treatment Approach: PTSD: Typically treated with evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and medication. C-PTSD: Treatment may involve a combination of therapies addressing both PTSD symptoms and broader issues related to emotional regulation, interpersonal functioning, and self-concept, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), schema therapy, or prolonged exposure therapy. While both PTSD and C-PTSD involve the experience of trauma and share some symptoms, C-PTSD is distinguished by its complex and prolonged nature, its impact on identity and relationships, and the need for a comprehensive treatment approach that addresses both the PTSD symptoms and the broader effects of complex trauma. Consider Holistic Healing Options If you are experiencing any of the emotions described, get the help and healing you need. Unfortunately, symptoms don't just disappear. There are things you can do medically and holistically to heal. Wishing You Wholeness The products and resources on the TID Holisitic Wellness Shop are created by me, Diana Navarro, M.S., to support this website's mission and existence. Please consider visiting it. Additionally, I sometimes share links with my valued readers I believe adds quality and value to you. I may get a small affiliate payment for anything sold on some links Amazon. These are items or products I may use myself and vouch for. I may earn some coffee or chocolate money I'll ingest while writing these posts for you. Diana Navarro and This Is Diana accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client/reader chooses to take or make based on his/her information provided here.

  • 5 Key Components of a Holistic Lifestyle

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Coach, I want to share what key components make for a holistic lifestyle What are the 5 Key Components of a Holistic Lifestyle? Unlike conventional medicine, which often approaches health care by reacting to problems of the body, holistic health looks at the whole self, including the mind, body, and spirit while looking for ways to prevent health problems from occurring. A holistic lifestyle is one that cares for all five of the critical components of health to create habits and actions that will lead to wellness and happiness. What are the five key components of this lifestyle, then? And how do you focus on all these in your daily life? Let’s take a look. Physical Wellness This is the aspect of health and well-being that most of us think about when you look for ways to lead a healthier lifestyle. We look for ways to improve the physical indicators of our body’s health, like blood pressure, weight, and hormone levels. Your body’s health depends mainly on eating a healthy, well-portioned, nutritious diet, getting plenty of exercise every day, sleeping enough, and engaging in other healthy habits that help your cells, tissues, and organs work effectively. Physical wellness is vital to a holistic lifestyle, and everything you do to take care of your physical self will also have profound influences on the other key areas of holistic living. Mental Wellness Your mental health is connected to and influenced by the other aspects of your wellness, including your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Mental wellness includes your ability to think and process, reason, learn, solve problems, and stay mentally active throughout your life. There are many aspects of your lifestyle that influence your mental health, including your career, your environment, your beliefs about continued learning, and your relationships with others. And, your diet and exercise habits will play a significant role in the physical workings of your brain, too. Emotional Wellness Being in control of your emotions and how they influence your behavior is another critical aspect of holistic living. Emotional wellness gives you the tools to be aware of your feelings, to accept your thoughts and emotions, to learn to express how you feel healthily and to be in control of your outlook in life. Emotional wellness is heavily influenced by your mental health, your social connections, and your physical well-being, too. Spiritual Wellness This is often the most overlooked aspect of wellness but is extremely important. While spirituality has different meanings for each of us, what is essential is that your life includes a set of morals, values, and ethics and that these are what guide your behavior and choices. Spiritual wellness is about engaging in activities that connect your inner self and soul to the broader world around you and connecting with something bigger than yourself. Your emotional and mental well-being will heavily influence your spiritual self. Environmental Wellness This factor is also often overlooked but is an all-important component we need to be aware of. Environmental holistic wellness is an approach to wellness that considers the interconnectedness of individuals and their environment, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance and harmony between the two for optimal health and well-being. This approach recognizes that individuals are not separate from their surroundings but are deeply influenced by the quality of their environment, including factors such as air and water quality, access to green spaces, exposure to toxins, and the overall state of the ecosystems in which they live. Environmental holistic wellness seeks to address wellness from a broader perspective, taking into account not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, all of which are influenced by the environment. Other Components of a Holistic Lifestyle All the dimensions of wellness are interdependent. They influence each other and can't exist without the others. There are more components to living a complete, happy, healthy life, too. For example, your holistic lifestyle should also include a focus on your intellectual, financial, social, and occupational (if relevant), well-being. These are aspects of your life that play a crucial role in your overall happiness and have a considerable influence on your well-being. Once you adopt a holistic view of wellness and living, you can see that there are so many areas in your life that help to determine how well you are and allow you to thrive. By paying attention to only one or a few of these components, you are neglecting all the others, which means your life is out of balance, and you are not truly whole. Only through an integrated approach that includes all these crucial areas will your holistic life be complete. All aboard! I invite you to subscribe Wishing You Wholeness

  • Feldenkrais Method – Changing Movement Patterns For Health

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body Coach, I want to share about the Feldenkrais Method Seems many humans forgot to move properly Improving your body movements to include enhanced flexibility and range of motion provides many benefits to your daily life. Not only does it help prevent falls and broken bones, but it can also reduce pain and discomfort in everyday activities, help heal injuries and more. The Feldenkrais Method was designed to bring a more conscious effort to the way you move and help you develop grace and efficiency in every aspect of your life. Most of us don’t pay attention to the way we move our bodies unless we’re dancing or performing an activity (such as yoga) which brings a conscious awareness to what we are doing physically. However, when we are acutely conscious of our movements, a new and powerful sensitivity occurs and we can adjust how we move to become more efficient and graceful, and how to stop pain resulting from our movement too. This Technique Focuses on Your Movements Based on the main principles of human development, this method focuses on changing your patterns of movement, and shows how the rigidity of your movements can and no doubt are, preventing you from living life more efficiently. If you are experiencing back pain, you naturally move in a way to stop the pain, however, more than likely you are not ‘moving’ your body correctly. You may have developed bad habits in terms of healthy movement. The Feldenkrais Method uses gentle motion and directs your attention to these movements so you can increase your capacity to function better in all aspects of your life. The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, after a knee injury he suffered from. He was a student of physics, martial arts and engineering and applied his knowledge to changing his own habits of movement, to relieve pain and heal himself. Improves Many Areas of Your Health and Life Feldenkrais taught the method to others and it soon became popular as practitioners discovered that the technique worked well in improving several conditions such as autism and multiple sclerosis. It is also a popular method with athletes as they learn how to better move their body to increase their own personal bests and performance. The Feldenkrais Method is usually learned in a classroom, but you can practice movements at home or elsewhere. You’ll develop a new sensitivity to the way you move by thinking and using imagery to change and create new patterns of movement. These lessons teach you how to release muscle tension when you need to, which reduces muscular pain. The practiced movements begin slowly and then expand as you become more aware of your patterns and how they’re inhibiting you. The lessons become more involved with each class and you’ll soon increase your ability to move with fluidity and grace. You’ll also learn how some movement patterns are unnecessary and can actually expend more energy than you think. When your entire body is moving effortlessly and consciously you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes to your entire lifestyle. Recognizing the value of changing your movement patterns to become one with mind, body, spirit and environment is a major step forward in realizing your full capacity as a human being. The movements of the Feldenkrais Method can be performed by a practitioner or alone. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Hellerwork - Powerful Massage Method to Relieve Pain and Tension

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body and Holistic Coach, I want to share about the Hellerwork Hellerwork is an integrated system of bodywork, Hellerwork helps to connect and reorganize body alignment through a process of functioning, emotion, body structure and expended energy. Once you realize how some of your movements have become harmful habits, you can release the old and bring in the new, more natural movements. It is a holistic treatment that is based on the theory that if the body is under stress and there is misalignment in the musculoskeletal system, then health problems will certainly arise if they haven’t already. Health Benefits of Hellerwork Hellerwork is another bodywork therapy that provides similar health benefits to other therapies. Just some of the benefits are: ·        Speeds up the healing process of injuries ·        Reduces stress and tension and provides a feeling of relaxation ·        Helps relieve back, joint and neck pain ·        Increases energy and ease of movement ·        Improves posture and the body’s skeletal alignment. Popular Massage Therapies – Hellerwork and Rolfing Joseph Heller developed Hellerwork along the lines of the popular massage therapy, Rolfing. He trained for six years with the founder of Rolfing, Dr. Ida P. Rolf, then developed his own style of bodywork and established a training facility in California for Hellerwork. Heller was an engineer, working in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, but became enamored with bioenergetics and the Gestalt method of therapy. Later, he developed Hellerwork based on manipulative massage. Although Hellerwork therapy has some of the same manipulative techniques as Rolfing, designed to realign the body and bring balance to the structure, he brings innovative ideas such as movement education and verbal dialogue into the mix. Restoring Balance for Health and Healing Optimizing your body movements is a major step to healing and relieving pain and tension that comes from a body that’s imbalanced through incorrect body movements. Hellerwork focuses on restoring that balance, and with it a more relaxed and youthful body and mind. The Three Components of Hellerwork Hellerwork combines bodywork, movement education and dialogue to get powerful results of relieving pain and tension and helping your body move with a natural ease rather than rigidity and pain. Here are the three components of Hellerwork: Component One – Bodywork Bodywork is the hands-on component and works by a practitioner helping you first release the tension and rigidity that naturally builds in your body through incorrect movement patterns. Component Two -  Movement Education Movement education is another component of Hellerwork, acting to increase awareness of how you move and how it affects your alignment and balance in everything you do. You’ll develop new patterns of movement which will rid your body of tension. Component Three - Dialogue Dialogue is the other component of the Hellerwork system of bodywork. During the process, you’ll exchange dialogue with your practitioner and learn to recognize patterns causing body tension and stress. Throughout the dialogue, you’ll gain tremendous insights in how your thinking is influencing your body and learn to change it by dealing with problems as they occur. The Hellerwork method can help you to live a more relaxed and pain-free life with reduced physical effort. Also, check this additional resource: This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Rolfing - A Structural Integration Method to Realign the Body

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body Coach, I want to share about the Rolfing Rolfing - A Structural Integration Method to Realign the Body Rolfing is also known as ‘structural integration’, which basically means that this bodywork technique rearranges the body tissues (the fascia) to lengthen and balance them. This type of manipulative massage is designed to work with gravity to correctly reorganize the fascia (connective tissues) of the body. The Rolfing technique creates balance, ease of movement and is also said to relieve pain. It’s a form of integrative/alternative medicine developed by Ida Rolf who theorized she could rearrange the body tissues, which she claimed would bring about improved balance and clarity of mind. Standing Straight and Tall If someone has a posture that is detrimental to balance and well-being it is very challenging to correct or adjust this by just telling them. It is a deeply ingrained mind-body misalignment. Instead, mind-body coaching and certain bodywork therapies specifically can change this. Many people have used the Rolfing method to help with correcting their posture and relieving their scoliosis. The results have been incredible for many suffering from this painful condition. The therapy has helped to realign their body in a positive way to a more correct posture. This subsequently relieves them of their chronic pain, which results from the stresses of the body fighting the effects of the altered body carriage. The freedom from continual pain is emotionally uplifting and brings joy to living. Just Google ‘before and after Rolfing pictures’ to see the results achieved from this bodywork therapy. Seeing is believing! Ten Sessions of Rolfing To get the full benefit of Rolfing, it is suggested the client participate in ten sessions which Rolf named “the recipe.” The first three sessions concentrate on the superficial (upper) body tissues while the next four sessions apply pressure on deep tissues in the body (especially the pelvic area). The final three sessions focus on the entire body and can be painful and cause soreness afterward. But don't get scared, it's tolerable and ultimately good for you. Check this resource I've created Restructures Harmful Body Movement Patterns The deep tissue approach to soft tissue manipulation is claimed to positively affect and restructure harmful patterns of body movement, which can cause trauma and pain. This, in turn, reduces physiological stress, repairs conditions such as spinal curvature and also enhances brain function. Many who have suffered some type of trauma or body stress (such as athletes and dancers) use Rolfing to help heal scar tissue and to increase their range-of-motion during a performance. Importantly, besides the positive physical changes in the connective tissues of the body, Rolf claimed that by manipulating the body, psychological changes also occur, bringing about positive changes in personality. For example, think... self-confidence on fire! It is a mind-body connection therapy that can reduce stress and increase energy. The Rolfing Technique Is A Deep-Tissue Massage Unlike some other forms of massage, which feature relaxation and relieving muscle strain and pain, Rolfing massage concentrates on the deep-tissue areas of the body which produce tension and stress. Rolfing may speed the recovery of an injury by reducing the pain and stiffness associated with most injuries. Rolfing massage therapy is becoming more popular as a way to relieve pain and reestablish your body’s ability to perform as it was meant to. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Shiatsu - Helps Body Function and Relieves Stress

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body and Holistic Coach, I want to share about the Shiatsy Therapy Shiatsu - Helps Body Function and Relieves Stress Originating in Japan, Shiatsu is an ancient form of bodywork based on the same principles as acupressure, where pressure is applied to specific body points for the purpose of relieving stress and promoting proper body functioning. Shiatsu Restores Health and Wellness Instead of needles being used on the meridian points as in acupuncture, the therapist uses ‘finger pressure’ to stimulate the pressure points required. The method is believed to bring about the restoration of balance, restoration of health and the opening of the meridians which lead to overall well-being. Shiatsu uses pressure, tapping, soothing movements and kneading to gently manipulate the body for healing and pain and stiffness relief. The Shiatsu therapist may principally use their thumbs, but they quite often use their elbows, knees and feet. Non-Invasive Therapy Shiatsu is a non-invasive form of treatment that can be calming or invigorating, depending on the condition affecting the patient. Due to the nature of this therapy it can treat a wide variety of conditions. Among the ailments that can be treated with Shiatsu are most musculoskeletal issues and also emotional problems, including: Back pain, neck pain and other body aches and pain Anxiety and stress Limb stiffness and digestion problems. It may also help with other problems affecting the nervous system, chronic fatigue and insomnia. A Bodywork Therapy That Unblocks Energy Pathways Shiatsu proponents believe that there is a vital energy within our bodies called Qi that flows through our bodies in pathways or meridians. When these pathways become blocked, the flow of energy is undermined and results in many of our body functions being compromised. When the flow of Qi is restored to the body, balance occurs and our health is restored. Before the Shiatsu treatment, the practitioner will attempt to evaluate the patient to locate the imbalance within the body. A plan is then designed to offer the patient the most beneficial and therapeutic treatment. Help for Cancer Patients Many have found that Shiatsu is an effective treatment for controlling cancer treatment side effects and symptoms. The popularity of Shiatsu as a healing method is growing and more schools and therapists are beginning to research and offer studies in the therapy. Although little mainstream scientific evidence has been produced to support the claims that this bodywork method works significantly to promote health, the risk of side effects is virtually non-existent and there are many benefits that are consistently reported and verified. More studies are being conducted and much information is available online and in books about the history and present evaluation of the treatment technique. You too may like to discover more about the fascinating history and implementation of Shiatsu bodywork treatments by locating a Shiatsu practitioner in your area. That way you can find out firsthand if Shiatsu might be a treatment technique that could help your overall health and well-being. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Reflexology Benefits Your Overall Health

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body and Holistic Coach, I want to share about the Reflexology Reflexology is used around the world to help relieve painful and obtrusive symptoms. Practitioners do not claim to diagnose or cure underlying health conditions, however they can determine areas of the body needing attention by pain responses in specific zones, principally in the feet. Some countries, such as Denmark and Norway, use reflexology widely as an alternative therapy to promote healing and circulation. China and Egypt have long histories of using reflexology. The practice was introduced in the United States by ear, nose and throat specialist, William Fitzgerald, M.D. Later, Eunice Ingham, a nurse and physiotherapist mapped out the “zone therapy” of reflexology, which is used today by most reflexology practitioners. Is Reflexology A Foot Massage Therapy? Reflexology is a form of bodywork, although many people mistake it as being a foot massage therapy. The difference is, a foot massage is just that, a massage on the foot, however, reflexology is more about placing pressure on the ‘reflex zones’ and they can be the foot, hands or ears. During a reflexology session, specific pressure is gently applied to certain points on the hands, feet or ears which correspond to the body’s organs and various systems such as respiratory and nervous systems. You can print this article, go to the "share" tab above Points of The Foot, Point to The Problem For example, one particular point on the foot’s arch affects the bladder. When pressure from the practitioner’s thumbs and fingers is applied to that area, bladder functioning may be affected in a positive and healthful manner. Although controversial, some reflexologists claim that the reflexology technique can relieve the blockage of energy fields (invisible life force). Energy fields (Qi) are contested at a scientific level, but reflexology claims that the blockage of an energy field can prevent healing and balance of body functions, which is why the unblocking of these promotes faster healing. The Health Benefits of Reflexology Reflexology can help to release endorphins in the body which promote healing and relieve stress and pain. It can help relieve many conditions and some of the benefits are: Provides relief from headaches Relieves fibromyalgia pain Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression Assists the health of the urinary tract Promotes relaxation and better sleep Improves circulation, and more. During a reflexology session (which is about 30 to 60 minutes), the patient removes shoes and socks and usually relaxes in a recliner or other comfortable chair. Pressure is then applied by the reflexologist and specific areas (corresponding to certain body organs) of the hands and feet are stretched and massaged. It’s a pleasant and relaxing experience that helps to relieve stress and promote a sense of well-being. In addition to its more systemic symptom relief, many people use reflexology treatments to relieve leg, feet and toe neuropathy or pain in the hands and feet. As Reflexology is a relaxing and gentle form of bodywork, it is also safe for pregnant women. It can help relieve their stress and anxiety as well as easing any specific pain they may be experiencing from their pregnancy. A Reflexologist may be well worth a visit if you are experiencing any health problems, as they will be able to locate where the problem lies, simply by pressing on a few trigger points. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Trigger Point Therapy Eases Tension and Pain

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body and Holistic Coach, I want to share about the Trigger Therapy Trigger Point Therapy Eases Tension and Pain When you experience pain in muscle tissue, you may not be aware that the perceived area of pain may not be the point causing the pain. For example, the pain you are feeling could be in your shoulder, however the actual problem could be radiating from your neck. Practitioners call this a ‘referred pain pattern’. The point the pain is emanating from is called a trigger point and when the trigger points are pressed, tenderness may be felt or twitching of the area may occur. The problem occurs because the contracting muscle fiber becomes “knotted” or seized. It is in a state of contraction and the pain is caused due to the muscle not releasing. This reduces the effective flow of blood through the knotted muscle which further delays muscle release and repair. Trigger points are certain areas of the muscle tissue that become affected and cause pain due to built-up tension. The trigger points can occur within all areas of the body, but are most common in the back and neck. Sometimes, trigger point pain spreads to other areas of the body. You may experience a sharp or dull ache that becomes worse with movement. Trigger point massage therapy is especially designed and formulated to ease the pain by finding the source of the problem through explicit pressure and release patterns. The patient participates in the therapeutic action by breathing deeply and helping to identify the location and degree of the pain. Once the trigger point is located, this therapy technique works by massage and mildly intense, specific pressure techniques on the identified trigger point. This easing of tension or reduction of trauma of the myofascial tissue (the tissue that covers your muscles, nerves, blood vessels and organs) causes a near-immediate relief of pain in the referred area. Health Benefits - Ease Pain and Tension If you experience back and neck pain or headache and other pain in the head or face, you’ll love this therapy. The therapist locates the trigger points and releases the pain and tension, thereby providing rapid relief. Trigger Point Therapy Manages Pain Using Trigger Point therapy can help you to holistically manage the pain and stress you may experience from chronic injuries or painful conditions such as fibromyalgia. When suffering from myofascial trauma, the tissue sometimes tears or becomes adhered together, preventing the muscles from functioning properly. Most massage therapists recognize myofascial sources of pain (knots) as problematic and many use the concept of trigger points in the body to help alleviate the musculoskeletal pain that occurs. Trigger Point therapists also contend that ignoring the sources and causes of every day pain we experience could lead to a failure to pinpoint the problem area and to deal with the pain effectively. This is very easy to do when the referred pain is being felt in an area other than where is being caused. Who Uses Trigger Point Therapy? Osteopaths and chiropractors often use the compressing of trigger points to help in their healing practices. Dr. Janet Travell first used the term, “trigger points” to explain her clinical findings during the 1940s. She further discovered that pain experienced during pressure of the trigger points couldn’t be explained in neurological examinations of the patients. Although the medical community rarely explains a condition as having a myofascial source, proponents of Trigger Point Therapy contend that most of the passive pain we experience on a day-to-day basis can be attributed to trigger points in myofascial regions of the body. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Trager Approach – Trager Work Reawakens the Body and Mind

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body Coach, I want to share about the Trager Work What is Trager Work? The Trager Approach (also known as Trager Work) is a structural integration system, developed by Milton Trager, an American doctor. Milton Trager developed the psychophysical integration technique during his medical practice and for 65 years. Trager had a congenital spinal deformity and through his own persistence became a dancer and gymnast. He died at the age of 88 and spent his life ‘healing’ many people with his amazing approach. During the 1970s his efforts were recognized by California’s Esalen Institute. He began to treat patients there and soon retired from his medical practice in Hawaii and began to work full time using the psychophysical integration technique. Somatic Education and Other Bodywork Therapies The term ‘somatic education’ is used to describe the Trager Approach, and other bodywork therapies such as the Feldenkrais Method, the Alexander Technique and Rolfing. The ‘soma’ means, “the body as distinct from the soul, mind, or psyche” and is used when describing bodyways therapies. This type of therapy works to bring about improved communication between the body and mind, as many bodywork therapies do. Trager Work Therapy Sessions During treatment, the patient lies on a massage table and the practitioner helps explore the range of motion through large movements. If an area seems to be stiff or unyielding, the practitioner may engage in a mantra-like dialogue causing the movement to become lighter and freer. A trained practitioner of Trager work can sense tension and “blocked” areas of the body and manipulate them to release the toxic problem. Trager believes that “tight muscles can be caused by many things, but the pattern of tightness is all in the mind.” Releasing the tensions of the mind can cause a better range of movement and relieve tension and stress. Much of Trager work is based on the intuitions of the practitioner, and using hand and mind to manipulate and communicate, the Trager therapists awaken certain patterns in your mind and body through movement and touch. Rocking and shaking movements are incorporated to loosen the joints and help the patient relax, and Trager work therapy promotes feelings of lightness and freedom. The technique is designed to open the mind to the awareness that certain movements of the body will not cause pain. For example, those patients suffering from chronic back problems, as did Trager, may find relief from these treatments. Improves Athletic Performance Athletes also use the method to enhance their performance and gain more flexibility. It also helps their movements become more graceful, improves their focus, speed and stamina. In addition, there risk of injuries is lessened and they conserve more energy. Health Benefits of The Trager Approach Trager therapy is used to relieve symptoms of conditions such as: Chronic back pain and sciatica Anxiety and depression Migraine and general headaches Hypertension (high blood pressure) Neuromuscular pain Muscular dystrophy Parkinson’s disease Carpal tunnel and even polio. More research is being conducted in the possible uses for Trager work and many natural healing practitioners are using this therapy to relieve the symptoms of certain conditions and promote healing. You can watch videos online to see how this treatment is applied. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Craniosacral Therapy-The Breath of Life

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body Coach, I want to share about the Bowen Therapy Craniosacral Therapy Benefits The Mind and Body Life and motion as they affect the body and mind are at the core of Craniosacral Therapy. The theory is that when subtle and certain motions are applied to cranial bones and the core of the body (which includes spinal fluid, central nervous system and crucial membranes) it greatly benefits the mind and body. Over 100 years ago, osteopathic doctor William Sutherland recognized the rhythms which became the basis of Craniosacral Therapy. Dr. Sutherland gained this insight by examining the cranial bones and recognizing they were designed to have certain degrees of motion – a new and innovative discovery at that time. Craniosacral Therapy is a holistic approach to healing the entire body by using the interconnections of the body, mind and spirit. It helps to create a body and mind environment in which health can prevail and a sense of well-being exists. The “Breath of Life” is a Non-Invasive Therapy Craniosacral Therapy is a non-invasive and gentle procedure that may be able to help heal emotional or physical problems you may have. Anyone (including infants and the elderly) can benefit from Craniosacral Therapy whether suffering from a chronic or acute condition. This non-invasive type of healing therapy, also referred to as the “Breath of Life,” helps the body heal and regulate itself in a way that helps the respiratory system restore health and vitality to the whole being. Craniosacral Therapy Releases Trapped Patterns from The Mind As we go through life, our bodies become conditioned as we adapt to patterns which help us deal with stress or other tensions. Certain stresses may become so overwhelming that they’re virtually “locked” within our bodies until we can examine and release them. Sometimes, these stresses manifest themselves at a cellular level and prevent us from living a life free of pain either from physical or emotional injuries. Craniosacral Therapy helps us resolve the trapped patterns and release them for all time so that they don't continue to cause problems. A Therapist Uses Gentle Manipulations A Craniosacral Therapist is trained to recognize those trapped issues that keep us down and to use our own rhythms and patterns to rid those issues from our minds and bodies. This, in turn, helps the body to regulate and heal itself. Soft and gentle manipulations are performed by a certified Craniosacral Therapist to help the body’s own healing process to function properly. The therapists touch is very gentle, and although the manipulations are principally applied to the cranial bones (the head) and the core of the body (spinal column and sacrum) this treatment can be used on any part of the body. Other Health Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy Many conditions exist for which there is no cure, and life can be a misery as a result. Sufferers are dependent on mitigating the symptoms of their condition for quality of life. Craniosacral Therapy is excellent for this. Some conditions whose symptoms are successfully treated by Craniosacral Therapy are migraine headaches, autism, spinal cord injuries and fibromyalgia. The therapy is designed to relieve tension and stress, and after a therapy session you may feel extremely relaxed and even a little light-headed. If you would like to learn more about how Craniosacral Therapy can benefit you, why not locate a therapist in your area who can answer any questions you may have. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • Bowen Therapy-Helping the Body Heal Itself

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body Coach, I want to share about the Bowen Therapy Bowen Therapy - Holistic Treatment to Help Your Body Heal Bowen therapy is a holistic approach to treating musculoskeletal and neurological issues by manipulation rather than invasive procedures. It’s a gentle and relaxing technique that can be used on anyone – from newborns to seniors. When using Bowen Therapy, you’re treating the entire person (mind and body) rather than concentrating on superficial symptoms. This therapy method uses manipulation of the fascia (soft tissue of the body) – the connective tissue that affects each organ of the body. Bowen Therapy Move – The Push and Pull Movement Bowen therapists use varying degrees of pressure and certain sequences of small movements at particular sites of the body to maneuver muscles, ligaments and tendons. The sequences usually take place over a from of thirty minutes to an hour and the therapist may allow a short time between sequences so the body can respond to each phase of the treatment in a positive and healing manner. A Bowen therapist will use gentle ‘push and pull’ movements on certain areas of the body. For example, tight muscles are gently rolled back and forth to open them up and release the tension. This method also removes the buildup of toxins and waste and opens the nerve pathways. This process helps the body to heal more rapidly from the pain or injury. The technique is often used to treat severe injuries and conditions stemming from chronic problems. You can seek out a qualified and registered Bowen Therapy specialist for treatment who is trained and accredited for this unique method of healing therapy. Bowen Therapy Does Not Need To Be A Regular Treatment Process Bowen Therapy is not usually an ongoing technique. You may gain relief after only one session, but if the pain or situation is a chronic condition, further treatments may be advised. Ask your Bowen therapist about the possibility of receiving other physical therapies such as massage or manipulation just after a Bowen treatment. You may be advised to wait for at least a week for any other forms of treatment so your body can fully respond and adjust to the Bowen treatment. As a holistic treatment, the Bowen technique is designed to trigger the body to heal itself. Amazingly, the more acute conditions require less manipulation during each session and less pressure is used during the treatment. A proficient therapist can sense when the body has had enough. Your therapist will concentrate on exact pressure points of the body to achieve the desired results from the brain. The brain is the central area of our body which interprets and reacts to the stimulation involved in Bowen Therapy. The Benefits Can be Felt Almost Immediately Sometimes it may take a few days following a Bowen treatment to realize the benefit, but most times, the patient realizes a deep relaxing feeling and perhaps some tingling or warmth in the affected area, and many feel pain relief almost immediately. Bowen Therapy is a very popular therapy used to help heal the body and relieve pain and tension associated with injuries or other problems. Unlike many other “hands-on” therapies, Bowen is very gentle in application. If this sounds like a treatment that could help you, it would be well worth your while to seek out a therapist. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

  • The Alexander Technique – ‘Relieves Stress and Tension Through Movement’

    As a Spiritual Crossing Guard and Certified Mind-Body Coach, I want to share about the Alexander Technique The Alexander Technique is a powerful bodywork therapy used to put you in touch with how you move throughout the day. You’ll learn how to consciously get rid of tension that builds within your body from performing the simplest of activities, such as walking, lifting, sitting or lying down. This method teaches you how to become more aware of how your body movements affect the stress and tension levels in your life. It’s purposely designed to free the body from strain and pain and prevent the debilitating physical and mental problems associated with harmful patterns you may have developed. The Alexander Technique Trains Your Mind Rather than punishing your body with exercises that could cause harm, the Alexander Technique teaches you how to use your mind to affect how you move and how you think about any activity you’re engaged in. This remarkable mind/body technique was formulated by Australian actor, Frederick Matthias Alexander when he began to search for answers to the chronic laryngitis he experienced when performing on stage. Alexander eventually discovered that his problem was caused by tremendous tension in his neck and entire body and he set about to find a solution. The Alexander Technique is the result of over fifty years of research and trial and error before finally bringing it to the public. Changing Your Habits That Affect Your Mobility The technique teaches you how to change the day-to-day habits that inhibit and restrict your mobility. During the learning process of the Alexander Technique, you’ll become more aware of these behaviors that are especially affecting your posture and movements. Posture is one of the major areas that the Alexander Technique is designed to help. When you coordinate the musculoskeletal system by correcting old, bad habits such as poor posture, you’ll relieve the chronic pain and stiffness associated with stress and tension that results from the physical action. You’ll learn how to stop the harmful patterns that continue to impede your ultimate enjoyment of life, due to fears of possible pain experienced. Some of the bad habits inhibiting your mobility and other areas of your life have become conscious patterns in your life, and others are patterns which you don’t even realize are interfering with your coordination and movements. Developing Control of Your Actions After practicing the Alexander Technique for a while you’ll develop more control of actions and subsequent reactions. This will increase your ability to function more correctly and without the pain that comes from excessive tension and stress. Athletes, dancers and others who depend on exact body movements to achieve their passions study the Alexander Technique to gain speed and coordination. These disciplines benefit greatly from this conscious mind technique for the reduction of pain and stress associated with incorrect posture and body movements, especially the highest levels of competition. The Alexander Technique can show you how to benefit your life through conscious awareness of movements. It is a technique that doesn’t require hands on manipulation. This is the tip of the iceberg, subscribe to my list now Wishing You Wholeness

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