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  • But Why Do We Need a Purpose At All?

    “If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.” – Stephen Covey You now know what purpose is. But do you need one? Can’t you set goals and be fulfilled when you reach them? Why can’t you live life as you are and ignore everything else? Think of the misery of billions not knowing why they are here on this planet. We need to be honest, it's not pretty. In fact, it's devastating not to have a meaningful life path that brings solutions to problems, creative expression, harmony, life-enhancing passion, and expansion. People who don't know their purpose suffer from all kinds of maladies. Powerlessness, physical and emotional/mental/spiritual illnesses, restlessness, anger, frustration, and confusion. Many times people confuse boredom and laziness with not knowing your life purpose. This all can lead to a horrific downward spiral. But the good news is that all of this can be transformed by just taking a moment and reminding yourself, your loved one, or anyone who needs to hear it that there is a reason, a purpose for every life to exist. It is just a matter of having the intention and commitment to find it. This also requires patience at times since there may be issues, injuries, trauma or conditioning that have to be healed in the process. Here are 5 reasons why you need a life purpose. 1. Life purpose is where you start living. It’s the first step to living a more conscious life. You can be busy pursuing your goals every day, but when you don’t have a clear purpose you might be chasing your current goals for years only to realize it’s not what you wanted. When you have a purpose, you know what you want and why you want it. You can set the right goals and make the plans to take the right steps each day, so you are creating your meaningful life. Remember this formula: No purpose is usually associated with vague goals, with no plans and random actions, procrastination, or busy doing other’s agendas while a Clear Purpose equals clear goals, with clear plans and specific, clear actions. 2. Your purpose gives you clarity on what is important. Knowing your purpose allows you to see what is important and what isn’t. Most people get caught up in things that don’t make a difference in their lives in the long run. Things like, earn more money, get a house, get a car, get a second car, get a bigger house. When you have a purpose, you know immediately which goals are important and which aren’t as related to their long-term life purpose. This allows you to cut through what’s not important and take action on what does matter. When you know your life purpose, you can direct your focus on the things that are important. 3. Your life has meaning when you have a purpose. It becomes filled with direction, as opposed to wasting time in a job you don’t find satisfying. When you’re in a job you hate, you could feel like you're around toxic people that are incompatible with you. When you’re in a job that fits your purpose, you work with people who share your values. This lets you live a life that has meaning. When you find your purpose, you begin transitioning to your ideal life. You identify your long-term plan to pursue that purpose. From there, you train to build your skills. You do what you love and begin fulfilling your goals. 4. When you follow your purpose, you are in a constant drive to keep going with passion. This drive fills you with energy and excitement every day to be doing what you are, creating and moving forward. When you aren’t living your purpose, your days may drag endlessly. Weekdays come and you go to work, only doing what’s needed. There’s no excitement about the job. You look forward to weekends to get here, only to repeat the cycle over again on Monday. The job is simply a means to an end. 5. You achieve success on your terms when you follow your purpose. Most people look at success as an end itself. But success is actually an effect of doing and completing what you love to do. That means having clear plans, goals, skills, and talents that align with your purpose. Instead of aiming for success as the end goal, identify what you genuinely care about, what your purpose is, and then put your energy into making it a reality. When you discover your true purpose you naturally devote your life to pursuing it because it fulfills you and you naturally get better at it because you devote time to learning, training, and acting on it. There you have it. 5 reasons why you need to have a purpose in life. Having one keeps you excited about what you are doing, helps you stay focused on your goals and provides you with the incentive to take the action needed to achieve your purpose. More Benefits of Discovering Life Purpose “The human race is a monotonous affair. Most people spend the greatest part of their time working in order to live, and what little freedom remains so fills them with fear that they seek out any and every means to be rid of it.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Do you wake up each day dreading spending another day at a job you hate? Do you feel dissatisfied with your life? It might be because you haven’t determined what your purpose is. It takes work to uncover what that purpose is, but it is within you. Living a life that is in alignment with your purpose allows you to go through your day happy, hopeful, and with an action plan. The trick is to determine your why. If your life is in a rut, it’s time to discover your life purpose. The advantages of knowing your life purpose are far-reaching. You have more fun when you know your purpose and live it every day. You’re in a position to enjoy yourself. You have a greater passion for life. Since you are spending your day doing things that are important to you, you’ll have more enthusiasm. Your future looks exciting to you. You have a high level of motivation that makes you unstoppable in reaching your goals when you have a clear purpose. You get the chance to be a part of something bigger than you. You can make a meaningful contribution to the world. Discovering your purpose in life will change how you live forever. It adds meaning and focus to your every decision, action and is the motive behind all your choices. Get Your What is Your Purpose Checklist Download

  • Focus on Small Changes and Living Your Purpose Now

    Focus on Small Changes “If you feel like there’s something out there that you’re supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it.” — Wanda Sykes Now that you’re ready to live a life of purpose, you’re passionate and filled with the energy to take the next big step. But hold on. Take a deep breath before you jump to keep from getting overwhelmed. Focus on making small incremental changes in your daily habits. Making slow progress is the most reliable way to create any type of change in your life. Just like when you are trying to reach a new goal, running a marathon, for instance, you set a pace to reach a small step. Look to the future: What does the end of your journey look like? How do you want to be seen in the future? What does your life look like? Now make a plan on how to get there. What can you do today to get started on your purpose? Do you need to make a new plan or set some new goals? Are there people who you need to connect with? Is there something you can do today toward your passion? What resources do you need? Remind yourself of your purpose each day. Every morning and evening remind yourself of your purpose, look to the future, and feel the excitement. You can do this by rereading your goal, having a vision board of your life purpose goal, or simply journaling about it each day. Track your progress. Keep a journal listing your wins and losses. How can you create more success and prevent making future failures? Appreciate each step along the way. Let others know you’ve found your purpose. Tell and show others what you are doing. Practice putting your purpose into your daily activities. How can you communicate the importance of your purpose to others? You are the messenger, not just a worker in your purpose. For example, if you know your life purpose is to create joy in other people’s lives through your art, your plan might include teaching others to paint, taking others on retreats that include art sessions, or hosting a tour at the local art gallery. Put in the work. Don’t expect your life purpose to magically happen. You have to take the action and put into practice what needs to happen to make your life purpose a reality. To make a difference and be passionate about your purpose takes effort and time. Don’t let the magnitude of your dreams become overwhelming for you. Do a little work each day and the results will come faster than you expect. Setting Goals Setting goals is important to the foundation of living your purpose life and finding success. This is because goals help us fixate on our actions and put our energy toward the end goal we want to achieve. Goals are an indication of your intent to succeed. Setting goals creates an idea of where you are currently and where you want to be in the future. Setting and achieving goals affects your level of motivation, your belief, and your ability to reach your goal. Goal setting is necessary to get you take the action and follow the steps needed to live your purpose every day. Setting your goal is only the first step on your journey to living a passionate life. 1. Set your goal. Decide what it is you want to accomplish your purpose- then write it down. Get it onto paper. This forces your subconscious to become committed to working towards the target. Do this every morning to keep you focused. 2. Set a deadline for when you will complete the goal. Now for a life purpose goal, it can be anywhere from 5 years to 50 years. If that seems overwhelming, break the big goal down into smaller goals that you can do more quickly. 3. Work on your mindset by developing positive approaches to all life areas. Read inspirational books, listen to motivational people, and believe in your abilities. 4. Develop the skillset you need to achieve your purpose. Find the best source for gaining the knowledge, skills, and other assets you’ll need to achieve your goal. 5. Don’t procrastinate. Start today by taking the first step towards your goal. It can be a simple, easy step but it’s one that will get you started in the direction of achieving your goal. 6. Keep going until you’ve completed your goal. Keep the end result in mind for every action and decision you make. Setting goals as a part of living your purpose is an important step in the process. It helps you see where you are going and what you need to do every day to get there. Living Your Purpose Everyday Living with passion means stepping out of the autopilot rut you are in and creating more of the meaningful times and moments that matter. Instead of just going through the motions, how can you step out of this to discover the wonders and joys of everyday life? The ways to live your purpose every day begins with these steps: 1. Practicing mindfulness meditation can help you recognize when you are lost in your own thoughts and to take notice of what’s going on around you. Mindfulness is the practice of being in the present moment. Pay attention to the moments in your life and what’s happening in the present moment, in a non-judgmental way. At the end of each day, use a journal to document your progress and discoveries, including the details of how you accomplished your purpose. Identify your motivation when you wake up. What values are the most important right now? Hold this in the front of your mind like a guiding light as you move through the day. Approaching each day with what is most important to you helps you take action on the things that matter and discard what doesn’t. Practice being fully present. Foster a sense of newness to unfolding moments as if you were a child seeing something for the first time. Take these small steps each day to help you stay aware of your purpose. When you approach your daily routines, as if they were new, this perspective helps you transform ordinary actions into days filled with a greater purpose. 2. Reframe how you see your job or occupation. When you are engaged in what you believe is meaningful work you take greater pride in your work, you handle stress better and are more likely to stay motivated. If your current job is less than meaningful, you might want to reframe how you see it. Ask yourself how you can think of your job in a way that makes you feel that what you’re doing is meaningful. For example, you are the receptionist for a big corporation that helps women move from poverty to owning their own business. Instead of simply calling yourself the receptionist, think of yourself as the first person to help change another person’s life. 3. Choose friends who make you feel like you matter, that support you and who value you for who you are. 4. Choose to have integrity. Live your life following your values, in ways that make you happy without causing others pain is a part of your purpose. Your values can range from being family-oriented to generosity. Core value words you might include are fulfillment, honesty, community, courage, adventurous, respect, love, kindness, open-minded, empathetic, vitality, health, tolerance. 5. Express yourself as you are. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You can’t live a meaningful life if you are conforming to fit in with what others say is normal. Do your goals and actions sound like you, reflect your personality and in line with your values? Every action and decision should be from who you are and strive to be. They should align with your purpose. 6. Help make your purpose of making the world a better place by doing small things that matter each day. Take tiny actions that can make life better for others. Depending on what your purpose is, you could rescue a dog from a pet shelter, buy the homeless snack bars, share a holiday (or any day) meal with a family that is struggling, pay it forward, share kindness, be environmentally aware or live simply or holistically. 7. Creating balance through healthy lifestyle. Following your purpose means creating a balance in all areas of your life. Yes, there will be sacrifices. But along the way make sure you are including healthy choices in your process. This means eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise and sleep each night. Spend quality time with your family and friends, while making time to care for yourself. No matter what your purpose is, it should include a healthy version of yourself. This is key to enjoying the process of reaching your goal. Making your purpose a passionate part of your life means doing things each day from the perspective of meaning. Doing things mindfully and with a sense of purpose helps you see even the mundane everyday actions you take are a part of your purpose. Exercise: Download Making Purpose Part of Life Worksheet and Checklist

  • Self-Honesty

    Discovering your life passion can mean the difference between happiness and frustration. Do you know what you are passionate about? Is there anything in your life that makes you feel genuinely good, Excited, alive, and turned on? If not, either you have not found your life passion yet, or you are disregarding it. Our passions are what give life its juice. To discover your passion, and follow up on it is one of the better ways you are able to use your time. Even if you do know what you genuinely love, many of us feel that it is selfish to spend time and energy on doing things ‘just for fun.’ We believe we should be serious and responsible, and spend our time working hard at accomplishing goals. We feel worthy and virtuous when we attend to endless tasks and slave away at tasks we detest. We feel ashamed about spending time on things that make us feel alive and happy. What a messed up way of looking at things! Doing what makes you happy is not frivolous or selfish- it is smart. Being pleased makes you healthier, more productive, and nicer to be around. In addition, whom are you actually helping by working yourself into the ground doing things that do not satisfy you? It is time to check how you are spending the treasured minutes and hours of your life. When is the last time you spent a couple of hours doing something that made you feel genuinely alive? That made the time fly past, and left you feeling stimulated instead of ran out? What brought you here? How did you choose your lifestyle, job, career, or business model? How did you decide what service to provide or product to sell or another life choices? So many people choose what they do or don’t do for different reasons. Some get into a career path and business owners get into business doing something they’re good at or something that can easily make them money. That may be an easy way to get started – to fill a need – but is it enough to sustain your life, keep you in business for years to come, or flexible enough to make important changes accordingly? We’re often taught to think about other people when choosing our work, to serve our community. Questions like, “What problems can you solve for others?” and “What are you good at the others will pay you for?” have become commonplace ‘starting points for new business owners. There is certainly value in approaching business from a serving point of view because you won’t come across as desperate when pitching new clients and you’ll likely pay attention to details because you care about your clients and don’t think of them as numbers or dollar signs. But how long can you serve others if you’re not in your soul aligned business to begin with? If we go into business doing something we’re good at or we know will make us money but don’t truly believe that it’s what we’re meant to be doing or know it’s not what we want to be doing, it will likely catch up to us. We may feel burnout, where we’re just not excited to wake up. Or we may feel resentment toward our clients. We may procrastinate getting work done or prepping for client calls, which in turn hurts our clients and doesn’t serve them at all. Reaching this burnout phase is the exact opposite of why we got started in business in the first place. What do I mean when I say “alignment”? Quite simply, being aligned means that what you think, feel, do and say are working toward a common goal. And this common goal is not simply to ‘make money’ or ‘take care of your family’. A soul-aligned common goal is much bigger. It’s that purpose that moves you to tears; it’s what motivates you to get out of bed when we wake up. The only way to figure out if we’re in alignment is to pay close attention to what we’re thinking, feeling, saying and doing–and to be really HONEST about it. Some people think the idea of alignment is a bit woo woo and impractical but that’s because many business owners don’t pay attention to what their soul wants. They’re too focused on pursing money. Money and profits are, of course, an important part of running a business but you’ll find much more fulfillment if you’re serving a higher purpose. It’s time to get into alignment and start making changes to your business and life that allow you to step fully into your purpose. Consider this the same as the safety warning before an airplane takes off: Place the oxygen mask on yourself first before sharing it with others. The same is true here: Come into alignment with your business first and you’ll serve others better. The great news is that we all have different purposes. We all thrive in different environments, have different gifts, energy levels, temperaments, personality types and experiences. This means we’re all uniquely designed to pursue the very thing we truly want to pursue. Nobody has your unique blend of education, skill set, interests and talents. The things you’re passionate about aren’t random. They’re your calling. Whether you already know exactly what your soul longs to do or you can’t seem to pinpoint it just yet, I’m going to help you get crystal clear about what you’re here to do and how to start making it happen. It may have been a while, but if you actually give it some thought, you will probably come up with something. If you genuinely cannot seem to find your passion, there are a couple of ways you are able to figure it out. One way is to experiment. Try some fresh activities. The only way you will find out what you love doing is by doing it. Who knows, you may discover a passion for ballroom dance, writing poetry, or bird watching. Next, you need to find additional small ways to search for your passion and include it in your life. How about making cards for birthdays and other occasions? Flirt with joining an art class, or decorating your personal space. I bet that a beautiful collage above your desk would bring you more joy than perfectly tidy desk drawers. As you find your passion and more time and ways to action it, you become happier. This makes others happier too. Who'd you rather see each day at breakfast, somebody bored and frustrated, or somebody filled with enthusiasm? Whether your passion is for protecting the environment, baking cookies, singing, teaching, or predicting the stock markets, pursuing it will definitely give you opportunities to benefit other people by sharing your creations or knowledge. It may also open up possibilities for following your life passion as a job. So, find your life passion, and go for it with your whole heart. Time spent doing what you love will never be time wasted. Here is your assignment. Download the following worksheet.

  • Tapping in to your Intuition

    Where are you both physically and geographically? How do you feel? What activities are filling your day? How do you feel at the end of the day? Who do you encounter throughout the day? What hobbies, activities and work are you engaged in? What do you look like? Get as specific as possible and examine those ideas and your feelings. You will likely discover some important clues in this exercise. If the questions above and the Ideal Day exercise didn’t help you get clear, then the first step for stepping into more soul-aligned work for you is to reconnect with your intuition. And even if you do know what you want to be doing, this next part is equally important, too! Tune into your intuition; it’s that little voice you hear every now and then that nudges you in a direction. What little idea has been popping into your head regularly? That’s your intuition speaking to you. Pay attention to recurring dreams or ideas because there’s a deep reason why they keep appearing in your life. They are worth exploring. Your intuition can also warn you, such as if you feel unsafe walking in a dark parking lot at nighttime. Or if a business idea or client makes you hesitate and rethink your intentions. Your intuition is a valuable tool IF you learn to listen to it. If you shut out your intuition long enough, it can become really hard to hear. This can happen in childhood when adults in our lives feed us limiting beliefs, harmful criticisms, or when they don’t listen when we want to use our voices. While intuition never disappears, it becomes more difficult to recognize the longer we are learning these harmful lessons throughout our childhood. Even young adults who had wonderful childhoods can begin doubting themselves when they go to college or move out on their own, thus dulling the intensity of their intuition. However, if you want to step into your purpose, it’s time to get back in touch with your intuition and what it’s nudging you to do. You’ve ignored it for so long that it will take some time to get in sync again but it IS possible so don’t despair. Practical activities for getting back in touch with your intuition: Meditation. This is a BIG one because when you slow down your brain, you can actually hear that inner voice. Journaling. Check in with your feelings every day. Be intentional about this practice by carving out 10 minutes every single day to ask yourself: “What am I feeling?,” “Why do I feel like this?” and “What does my soul know about this?” You can also ask, “What do I need to do right now?” Breathwork. Breathwork is a form of meditation, but it can be easier for beginners than trying to simply “quiet their mind.” Ask for guidance and clarity every day. If things feel a bit muddled even after a regular period of meditation, asking for guidance from your higher self or higher power can be especially helpful. You can ask for guidance, strength, clarity, confidence, wisdom or courage. You can also ask for practical and tangible action steps. Try asking out loud (or in a journal) questions like, “What should I do next?” or “What is my next step?” Visualization/Imagination The Ideal Day exercise is a perfect example of visualization. But for getting in touch with your intuition, close your eyes and picture yourself acting as though you’ve already been working in your soul aligned business. What do you notice about yourself? How are you acting? How are you dressed? Keep identifying traits about yourself and how you feel. Turning our foggy, hazy ideas about what we think we might want into actual images makes them more solid in our minds. Visualization also helps makes things feel more real and doable. Review your Dreams. Use the dream journal page included here to record your dreams. Don’t worry if you don’t remember at first. Use this as soon as you wake up, even if you need to record it into a device first, because the dream recall will fade the longer you wait. If you're really struggling, you can always ask an outside (trusted) source what they notice you seem super passionate about, or something they always thought you’d be great at. Please note that you do not have to follow their exact guidance or pursue the exact thing they mention. Use this question as neutral feedback. Hearing others’ points of view can open us up to new possibilities, and also help us weed out what we don’t want – like if they suggest something we know is totally off-base. It’s important to get this as crystal clear and solid as possible. Our brains love having solid goals and ideas to work toward. So, once you’ve gone through the above, write out a statement that encompasses what you feel you’re truly here to give, and to whom, and how. You can always revisit this later if you’re missing a piece of the puzzle now. Check in with your body after writing your statement. Do you feel expansion when you read it? A softening? Or does your body contract or do you instantly feel overwhelmed? While some overwhelm is actually excitement in disguise, our body can often give us fabulous clues to what we really want and how we truly feel about something. Don’t ignore it. This is your intuition at work. Exercise 3 Worksheet 8 Your Purpose Statement When you commit to writing an overall personal WHY statement you’ll think very deeply about the purpose of your life and provides you with clarity about what things are really important to you. A personal statement determines how you need to progress with your personal development

  • Reveal Your Purpose with Self-Reflection

    Reveal Your Purpose It’s impossible to know your purpose without some level of self-reflection. To reveal your purpose, asking the right questions will help you get the results you seek. Listen to the answers to hear when you ask yourself these questions. The response might be very subtle and quiet, making it important to keep an open mind. Answer these useful questions: 1. How would you spend your time if you only had one year to live? When we have a deadline, we are more likely to focus on the important stuff and let everything else go. Be aware of what comes to mind. These are the things worthy of consideration. Could you spend your life engaged in these interests? 2. How do you want to be remembered by others? Your children z(if you some), friends and other family remember you? Consciously think about how you’d like others to remember you and put a plan together to live your life that way. 3. What did you love doing as a child? Yes, are asking this question again and again...What did you spend hours doing as a child that you no longer do? As young children we aren’t concerned about what others think and we’re clear on what we like and don’t like. We do things because we like them until we become teenagers and social pressure with the need to impress others steers us away from what we love to do. Adulthood finds us concerned with what we think is the practicality of our choices. 4. What level of discomfort can you handle? Everything has an uncomfortable, boring, rough, or awful side at some point. Your life purpose will be no different. The creative field must deal with rejection 96% of the time. You probably touched this with Your Comfort Zone exercises. 5. What topics and activities make you lose track of time? What activity or conversations make you miss meals or forget what time it is? Make a list of the times you’ve been so focused you forget about everything else. Imagine this as your career or your purpose in life. 6. What have you always dreamed of doing but fear has kept you from doing it? Is it something you’ve fantasized about for a long time? Maybe you’ve wanted to write a screenplay, become a veterinarian, hike the Appalachian trail, or speak to others about changes. Why haven’t you started working toward it? Is it because you’re afraid to try something new or fear you’ll fail? 7. How can you best help solve life’s challenges or best serve the world? What can you contribute to outside yourself? Make a list of skills, interests, and talents you have that can benefit the world in a meaningful way. 8. What do you regret most in life? The opportunities you missed you regret the most can be a clue to your purpose. Is there a skill you wish you had learned or started learning years ago? What decisions would you change if you had the chance to have a do-over? 9. What career choice would you choose if you could go back in time to your 18-year old self? Is it too late now? 10. Who inspires you now? Think about the people that you respect and admire. What about them inspires you? Could you incorporate them into your own life in some way? 11. List your natural talents? What areas have you excelled at? Are complex ideas easy for you? Do you excel in social skills? Can you write or tell a great story? Is your talent musical or artistic? Are you compassionate? You can learn to be good at anything but if you have the natural ability already, use it as part of your purpose. After 10 years of effort using your natural abilities instead of starting from a skill you have to learn can change how much progress you make. 12. If you had to teach others something, what would it be? It’s more enjoyable to teach subjects you like. Choosing that one is a good candidate that it’s your possible life purpose. 13. What things do you do that make you feel good? Create a list of everything that you do that makes you feel good about yourself. 14. What are people always asking you for help with? People ask advice from those we believe have some form of expertise greater than our own. 15. Imagine yourself at 80-years old. Imagine reflecting on your life. What memories do you want to have? What would you like to claim as your past? What do you want to have accomplished? What types of relationships would you have experienced? How can you make that happen now? Imagining yourself in the final years of your life gives you a good idea of how you want to have lived your life. As you search for your purpose, digging deeper into your talents, skills, wants and desires is key. It’s difficult to know what your purpose is if you don’t know how you can use what you have. Online Resources To Find Your Purpose If you still need help finding your purpose, there are many resources available online to help you dig deeper. Here are a few but remember these are meant as general starter points. Only you can decide what is right for you and yo may not fit into someone's personality profile so don't feel discouraged if some of these don't resonate and keep an open mind and heart, you are worth it. 16 Personalities – This online test is based on the Myers-Briggs personality types. IT gives insights related to your type of personality that will help you see who you are and be able to have a happier and more fulfilled life. MAPP Career Test – the Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential (MAPP) test has a variety of information to help you find your life’s purpose and do what you love. Life Purpose Test – this test helps to clarify your soul purpose. Gain insights about your heart’s desire and who you are meant to be. How to Find Your Passion – a short quiz to help you uncover your purpose in life. Who Are You Meant To Be – this self-assessment quiz helps you discover what drives you and find ideas to guide your life in the direction it was meant to go. Do This Next “As the struggle for survival has subsided, the question has emerged: survival for what? Ever more people have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.”- Viktor E. Frankl Every human wants to live a fulfilling life, but for many knowing what our purpose, our reason why, eludes us. Before you identify your purpose, you need to understand why your purpose is important. When there is purpose in your life you have a driving need to follow certain goals, to live a specific way and to now be wandering aimlessly each day without a specific direction. Purpose keeps you motivated to continue working on your goals, even when the task is difficult, or you face obstacles. It gives your life meaning, brings more joy into everything you do and gives a brighter outlook for your future. People who have a purpose in life tend to enjoy life more than those who do not have a clear life purpose. They know what they want and go after it. They have a clear idea of what they want from life and a definite plan for how to achieve a fulfilling and joyful life. However, if you don’t know what your purpose is, how do you find your life purpose? There are several ways you can discover what your purpose is. The following suggestions can help you in your search: Ask yourself questions that require you to look deep into what you want. Meditate and listen to your heart’s desires. Identify the things that make you lose track of time. Look for the patterns that help you discover what makes you genuinely happy. Self-reflection and knowing your inner self are required in order to find your life purpose. Ask yourself the important, tough questions and listen to the answers. Take time to find your life purpose. It takes work and can be eye-opening. However, when you do find your purpose you become focused on living your life solely to meet that purpose. Once you have a good idea of your life purpose, the next step is to determine how to incorporate the knowledge into your life. Wishes and ideas are the easy part; it’s the implementation that is challenging. Download your Purpose checklist here

  • An Introduction to Your Guide and Program ✨

    "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." E. M. Forster WELCOME to Your Life Purpose Sweet Spot !!! You are a step closer to your Purpose and True Calling – and when you find that calling that is uniquely yours, your life is transformed. Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you made different choices? What would happen if you found a traditional job instead of following your heart-centered purpose? Here are a few questions to ask yourself now: Do you know why you are here? The reason why are born and alive? Your personal mission in Life? What is your purpose on this planet right now? Do you know what your calling is? Are you stuck or lost right now? Is it too late to find your purpose? Did you make too many mistakes or have too many failures to live your path? Are you too sick, lost, or confused about your path in life? Are you feeling pressure from family, partner, friends, and society as to who you should be? Who decides what happens in my life? Do I have a choice (free will)? Is your life fated (You feel limited with no choices)? Is it just one purpose in your life, or many? Did you achieve your goals but felt that there was still something lacking in your life? Can your life purpose change? What if nothing is going your way in life? Do you or does anyone make you feel that your age, gender, appearance, educational level, and/or where you live are obstacles to living your calling? Did something shocking happen in your life to make you question why you are here? Can your dreams give you an idea and insight into your purpose? Are you having odd coincidental and unexplained experiences? Are you doing precisely things in your life that make you want to jump out of bed excited to begin a new day? Are you able to fulfill a need deep inside to express yourself, your talents, your values, and your unique and precious gifts? If you have “traditional” work does it allow a balanced life – one that leaves time for family and friends, for physical activity or hobbies, for you Are you doing what you love? If you’re plagued by these types of questions, it’s time to reassess your life (and your Business/Profession or Situation) and picture your realigned life. This course is NOT about placing blame or making you think any of your decisions in the past were “bad”. I prefer to think of decisions as being neutral and opportunities for learning. These are the building blocks to creating the person you are today and you wouldn’t be here without having the desire to make changes or to pursue your bigger calling in life. Just like there are so many lost souls out there, there are also those who are remembering and owning their life and purpose no matter what the circumstances. Fortunately, you found this program to help you move away from being “stuck” and lost to clarity, purpose and fulfillment. Your desire to live a purpose-filled life makes you ALIVE! What is Included are included in this program/course: 7 Modules Worksheets you can print or edit directly using a free online program like FormSwift and PDFEscape Your free journal is available as part of this course in the Transformational Starter Brainstorming section or you can purchase your own on this site's Wellness Shop or Amazon Videos Audio Meditations Suggested Material: Notebook or Journal, you may download a PDF version which is included at no additional cost. Are you ready to get started? Great, Download your Important Information and Disclaimer Form which indicates you agree to the terms.

  • Module 4 Get Clear on What Your Purpose Is

    So many people either forget or never realize that WE are in charge of creating a life we love. We often get trapped thinking about a conventional life – graduating from school, getting a job, getting married, etc. While all of that is wonderful, WE are in charge of our choices. If we realize we made a wrong decision, it’s incumbent on US to make a change instead of simply waiting for things to get better. The same is true with our businesses and that’s what this webinar is about, making changes to align our souls with our businesses. The beauty of taking charge of our lives is we can make any changes we want. Personally, I prefer to start small but if you want to jump in and make a major change that feels overdue, go for it! If the exercises and questions you worked on so far in this program helped you truly see how out of alignment you are –don’t fret. The great news is that you can decide to get back into alignment at ANY time. Your life (and business) can very quickly transform from struggle to flow. Stepping fully into your purpose all begins with allowing yourself to admit what your true passion is, and what you’d do “in a perfect world” without consideration about money and other people. Have you seen those memes on Facebook? They ask, “What would you do if you won the lottery?” Or if you couldn’t fail? Or if money wasn’t an issue? It’s curious to see some of those answers because they are usually very different, especially if the responders go deep into their feelings and offer more than, “I’d quit my job.”

  • Your Life Purpose Sweet Spot 🧭

    In this program, you’ll learn how to: ✓ Get crystal-clear on exactly what’s draining you in your current life, work and business model–and then release it (or transmute it), for good ✓ Tune into, hear and trust your intuition & soul’s guidance (instead of brushing it off, ignoring it or telling yourself you’ll "get around to it later”) ✓ Get radically honest about what your soul is here to share (even if you’ve been scared to admit it or fuzzy about it up until now!) ✓ Heal the painful wounds, old programming and negative conditioning holding you back from living your true purpose ✓ Make small-yet-noticeable shifts every day to create a more soul-aligned business quickly & easily ✓ Magnetize what you truly desire in a way that feels safe to your nervous system, so it actually sticks & becomes your new normal ✓ And more! Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is strictly for informational purposes. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions. I come from a place of research, professional practice, personal experience, and spiritual belief not bogged down by the confines of religion or politics. I lean towards the teachings of love, truth, harmony, honor, mercy, and wisdom from various places. I do not and will not impose my beliefs upon anyone.

  • Script, Visualize and Imagine, Mindmap Your Life

    Script, Visualize, Imagine or Mindmap Your Life Scripting and imagining/visualizing your life helps by priming our brains to act to make our dreams come true. in other words. It’s part of the process of creation. The word visualize will include any way in which you can use your mind to imagine and script the life you want. If you cannot visualize (see images in your mind's eye) you can use a mindmap instead or any method that works for you. I have included a mindmap for you to use whether you can or cannot visualize in a pdf form you can download here as needed. No doubt you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction. Visualizing your life is part of this concept. What you visualize you eventually have or create through action. Basically, it comes to what you believe you can achieve. Many professionals and all kinds of successful people use it to improve themselves reach their goals, as well as live out their purpose. Visualizing your life is the first step in creating a life with purpose. With it, you can design your life with clarity, giving you the motivation to act on what you dream about. There are many ways you can visualize: journaling, vision boards, writing your story, and affirmations. Here are some guides to help you visualize. 1. Before you begin, write down your life meaning and purpose, as well as your passion and key goals. Think about what you desire more of in your life. Is it more money, freedom to do what you desire, love, friends, better health, more happiness, or joy? Are you looking for more adventure, to lose weight and help others along the way or are you seeking inner peace? 2. Write a description of the passions and talents you want (need) to do that are a part of your purpose. What qualities and values do you wish to have? Now create a clear written statement that makes your purpose a passionate part of your life. 3. Now it’s time to create that vision. Use a journal or notebook to write the story of how your ideal life filled with purpose will come to be. How are you going to make it a reality? What are you doing or how are you living right now to create that life tomorrow? Questions to answer in your life story visualization: · What are you doing that fills you with passion every day? · What daily rituals and activities, habits and routines do you do each day towards your purpose? · How are you taking care of yourself? · What are you doing to be better as a person and achieve your purpose? · How are you improving relationships, building new ones, and moving into the space you need to be to living your life purpose? · What do you see, hear, smell, taste or feel? · How do you spend each day while living your life purpose? 4. Now that you’ve written the story of your life purpose, create a vision board complete with pictures, images and words that represent you achieving your dreams. Study your board daily. Here are some tips to help you see your purposeful life more clearly: · Go somewhere quiet, without distractions and interruptions. · · Visit and spend time in positive places that inspire you. · Settle yourself and get comfortable. Ground yourself in your body by taking a few deep breaths and focusing on your breath. Get still and center yourself. · Quiet your mind as if you are in meditation or prayer. Instead of focusing on your breath as in meditation, during visualization you focus on creating or seeing an inner mental image or use the mindmap. Take up as long as you need to do this exercise. Close your eyes and using all your senses, create a life vision in your mind of your whole life. Notice what you see, hear, taste, smell, feel and think, What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you in the country, the city, at the park, on a mountaintop? IMagine your perfect day as if it were a move and you were the star actor. You want to experience everything in your mental image in as much vivid detail as you possibly can. What does it feel and look like living out your purpose? Imagine yourself realizing each key goal towards your purpose. See yourself already living your ideal life. Make sure when you think about this in the present, not the future. Visualize the results of your passionate efforts. Feel the emotions you’ll experience when you realize your dreams: the joy, satisfaction, contentment, the gratitude. Hold onto these feelings throughout your day. Practice seeing this vision repeatedly over time to make it as real as possible. Remember that what you put out is what you get back in life. If you want a life filled with love, you must be loving yourself. Visualize it and live it through affirmations and intentions daily. Avoid should. Instead, be true to yourself. It’s your vision, your purpose. It doesn’t include what you think you should be. Or what others think you should be or do. Visualize yourself as being your authentic self, using your gifts, talents, and passion. When you visualize it should be the positive you want, not the things you don’t want. See yourself doing positive things such as drinking a healthy beverage instead of a sugar-laden soda. End this exercise by repeating affirmations and intentions of your vision. Repeat your visualization 2 or 3 times a day for five or 10 minutes. Your brain needs repetition to change. Be sure to do this exercise first thing each morning. It will be difficult to do at first. Give it time and just keep repeating it. After 30 days or so you will be able to do it with ease. Don’t give up. New habits take time, effort, and discipline to turn into long-term habits. Translate your visualization, affirmations, mindmap and intentions into practice by taking action to make it a reality. Then begin to notice the changes in your daily life. Continue to do the visualizations and be amazed by how your life a year from now will have changed.

  • Explore Your Passion

    “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”- Bishop T.D. Jakes If you’ve ever asked someone how to find your purpose, you’ve most likely heard the answer, “follow your passion.” Every person has passions: We’re passionate about our hobbies, our views, our family, our work. We find passion in helping others, caring for children, the earth, and animals. How can these passions help you find a deeper purpose? Exploring your passions, those things that give you a deep sense of joy, fulfillment, and sense of being helpful are all clues to your deeper purpose in life. Passion and purpose can be the same thing but not all passions will lead to your purpose either. Following your heart or passion has its benefits and can change your life by including: · More joy and happiness · A feeling of magic in your life · More success in all levels of life · Better relationships · Less fear, worry and stress · Being comfortable with the ups and downs in life · More opportunities Passion and purpose are distinct parts of the total fulfillment equation. Passion is about the emotions, the motivation and what makes us feel good. It’s the “do what you love” part of the equation. Purpose on the other hand, is the reason or “the why” behind what we do for ourselves and others. It’s the “do what contributes” part of the equation. Passion can be wild and exciting. Purpose is focused and intent. Types of passions come and go while your purpose tends to be for the long term. Passions are focused inward while your purpose is focused outward, focusing on the greater impact you have on others or your surroundings. This not to say that your passions cannot be a part of your purpose. In fact, when you are passionate about what you do, and it aligns with your purpose you are more likely to be fulfilled. In fact, aligning your passions, your talents and your purpose are key to long term fulfillment. If your purpose is to inspire people to make positive changes in their lives and your passion is living holistically and writing is your talent you can create a life that is fulfilling personally and creates an impact of change on the greater whole. Passions are normally easy to identify and can sometimes be easily identified with your purpose. But other times you need to explore you passions to find a deeper purpose. Maybe you’re doing something you love but it isn’t fulfilling your true purpose. In that case you have to begin digging deeper into your gifts, your values and what you want to contribute to the world. This guide will lead you through the process of reflecting and coming up with your passions that help you define your deeper purpose. Harness Your Passion “Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman Have you ever met or heard of someone who has an unusual passion? Maybe its cave digging like sculptor Ra Paulette, who digs caves by hand, shaping them into works of art. Maybe you heard of a unicycle-riding actress like Leslie Mann. Each of these passions may appear to simply be hobbies. But what if they were connected to your purpose? Cave digger Paulette is changing the way people view art. That’s his purpose: using his talent and passion for art and sculpting to bring beauty and awareness to others. On the other hand, unicycle riding isn’t Leslie Mann’s purpose. It’s simply a passionate hobby. How do you know the difference? · You love what you do, and you do it with enthusiasm. · You are passionate about it, almost to the point of obsession. · It consumes you during your waking hours and you even dream of it. · You’re excited to meet the challenges of the day. · You feel like a kid. · You talk about your passion to everyone. Harnessing your passion can change your life and the lives of others around you. It makes your life exciting and inspires those you work with. To harness your passion for a deeper purpose you need to know what that passion is. You can find it by: Listening to yourself. Most people simply go through the motions of their day. Their demand causes them to make the easiest choices without even thinking about them or feeling into them. To tap into your passion, you need to know what you want. Slow down long enough to spot the clues about what excites you and makes your heart sing. Listen to what makes you dream. Ask yourself these questions to help you identify your life passion. 1. If you never had to work again, how would you spend your time? 2. What’s your natural talents, gifts, skills? 3. What would you never give up for anything? 4. What do others ask you about? 5. Think about the hobbies you’ve had over the years. Why did you choose those? 6. What is something you do better than anything else? 7. What makes you curious? Take your time. It takes time to pursue your passions. If you want something different from what you currently have you have to get uncomfortable and step into areas that aren’t familiar to you. Pay the price to be able to follow your purpose. That means sacrificing some things while you follow your dream. Prepare to pay some type of sacrifice that will be worth it. Become the best you can be at your passion. Develop the skill you need for your passion to be your best at it. Finding and developing your passion leads to living your purpose and being fulfilled. Passionate people are relentless, and they are visionaries. Follow your passions and find ways to use them to light up your life in all ways. Explore Your Passions “There is no passion to be found in playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one that you are capable of living.”- Nelson Mandela There are many ways to explore what your passions are and how they relate to your purpose. Many may seem silly or time wasters but once you begin the journey of exploring your passions, and doing the work, you’ll see they work. Meditation Opens the Subconscious Meditation isn’t something practiced by the new age hippie, the Yogis and the Buddhist monks. It’s a practice that’s been around for thousands of years and used by millions of people. You’ll find that meditation and mindfulness is more popular than ever today. In fact, meditation is a tool used in the medical profession as well as in the business world. You can even find many prisons teaching inmates to use meditation. Counselors and coaches use meditation with their clients to help them as well. Meditation is a learned skill that does require you to take the time and effort to master it. But once you do you can use it to find answers and reveal your life purpose. Here’s a quick introduction into how to meditate: 1. Sit in a quiet place free of distractions. The best sitting position is one where you are comfortable without having to change positions. This can be a firm, comfortable chair or on a mat in the lotus position if you are able to. 2. Focus on your breathing. Feel how the air is moving in through your nose and the feel of the exhale out of your mouth. Continue focusing on your breath for at least 10 minutes. When your mind wanders, bring it back to focusing on your breathing. It will take practice. 3. As you sit quietly, ask yourself, “Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?” Then just return to focusing on your breathing, relaxing and listening to the answers. 4. Meditate every day to repeat the process. It can take several days to find the answers to your questions. Create a mediation schedule and continue asking the appropriate questions until you receive an answer that makes sense intuitively to you. The correct answer will simply feel right to you. 5. Use guided meditation if you need help with your meditations. There are many videos on YouTube that have meditations for finding your life purpose. A guided meditation is easier, especially for someone just starting to meditate. There are other products and apps you can use as well, such as books and audio programs on meditation. Experiment until you find the method that works best for you. Open Up To Creativity “The crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs. - Ralph Waldo Emerson As a child, you most likely played make-believe or made-up rules to games you played. You might have dreamed up your own characters or talked to your stuffed animals as if they were alive. As adults, we obsess over what other people will think of us or of our ideas. We lose our ability to be creative. Creativity is necessary as a part of exploring your passion when you want to find a deeper purpose. It’s not only part of creating art or building something but necessary for deciphering how to use your passion as a part of your purpose. You can tap into your creativity in many ways. Bring it to the surface when you need it and use it often. Here are 8 ways to tap into your creativity. 1. Take a walk and meander aimlessly. Put away your phone. Pay attention to where you are and where you’re headed. Then just walk, not worrying about anything else. Don’t worry if you get lost, simply ask for directions. Notice the things around you, the people, the scents, the colors. 2. Dance by yourself in the dark. Relax and enjoy the feeling, of how you move. Let your body and mind connect. Dancing is a creative outlet for your body. Doing so in the dark lets you freely dance and not think or worry. This opens up your creative blocks to see where your passions lie. 3. Create a list of 10 or more really awful ideas. Letting yourself fail and look bad helps you tap into your creativity and to see where you don’t want to be. Follow up with a list of 10 original ideas or creative ideas on how to follow your passions. 4. Connect with your inner child. What did you do for fun? Did you jump rope? Race on your bike? See figures in the clouds or build rocket ships in the sand? Be still and listen to your inner child. Let her lose by swinging on a swing, playing checkers, or lying in the grass, looking at the clouds. 5. Open up to your creative side by creating a unique solution to a problem. List the problems in one column and the creative ways to attack each one. This allows your mind to open up to creative thinking. 6. Color like a kid. Coloring is a great way to boost your creative side and it has the added benefit of relaxing you. There are many great adult coloring books out there so grab one and a pack of colored pencils. Find a quiet place and just color. Coloring calms your and gets you into a meditative state, perfect for allowing your creative thoughts to come to the front. 7. Try a new skill that will spark your creativity. This allows you to be open to learning and trying something different. When you are open to learning you are being creative to finding a passion that could be a part of your purpose. Take voice lessons or sign up to learn how to build a birdhouse. Pick up snowboarding or tennis. Learn how to fly-fish or throw pots. 8. Indulge in reading different types of books you wouldn’t normally read. Read a political memoir followed by a motivational book followed by a marketing book. This opens up your mind and inspires you to follow your own passions. Tapping into your creativity opens you up to learning what lights you up. When you change the way, you do something or spend time alone with your own thoughts, you are able to tap into your creative side. Once you are open to your creativity you can imagine the ways your passion will give you a deeper purpose in life. Ask Yourself Still having trouble figuring out how your passions that are part of your deeper purpose? Ask yourself these questions and take action on them: 1. Look deeply at what you’re drawn to in life. What do you read? What do you watch or listen to? Who do you follow? 2. What upsets you or annoys you in the world? What compels you to do something? 3. Who are the people that inspire and uplift you? Where are they? What are they focusing on? 4. What college level course or program would you take if it were free? 5. What ways are you drawn to helping others? 6. What problems or mistakes in your life can be turned into a message for others? 7. What skill or talent do you think would be exiting to learn that you don’t have? 8. What do you secretly fantasize about being involved in but feel foolish acting on? 9. If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you try? 10. What did you enjoy doing when you were young but no longer do? 11. What beliefs hold you back, that keep you from pursuing what excites you to your core? Which of these can you take action on now to begin following your passions for your purpose? What actions do you need to take to make them happen? Explore What Makes You Curious Most of the time people become stressed when they think about finding their passion and following their purpose. When they can’t open up to it, they feel pain and anguish. Stop trying to follow your passion and explore what makes you curious and happy. You can do this by asking yourself questions, trying new things, meditating, or journaling. What kinds of articles, videos or people grab your attention? What topic do you hear that moves you? What content keeps you desperately reading to the very end? This is curiosity. When something gives you a feeling of wanting to know or learn more, of wanting to lean in a little closer, dive deeper, this is when you have found a passion. What would you like to do more of? Instead of focusing on what you are missing or don’t have, focus on what you do have. Maybe your purpose is something you already do. But you aren’t doing it because you don’t have the time or resources. What do you want to do more of? If it’s that passion figure out how you can implement it more into your day-to-day life. How can you make the time or find the resources to allow you to do that passion you already have? What topic would you talk about if you only had 30 minutes to talk about a topic with no preparation? Think deeply about this one. This is the question that reveals what comes naturally to you. What energizes you? What lights your fire? What can you talk about for hours, losing track of time? What do you talk to your friends about that you don’t believe is a passion or your purpose? Answer these questions and you’ll be on the right track to finding your life purpose. Exercise Download the Exploring Your Passion Worksheet and Checklist below

  • 10 Minute Guided Meditation

    "I believe in myself" are powerful words. Listen to this 10 minute video to relax and center with these and more empowering words.

  • Compass Tips and Guided Meditation

    Here’s Your Compass Mistakes, resistance and failures are going to happen. Prepare for indirect and non-linear results and times of apparent no movement at all. It’s good to know this is a natural part of the process. It gives us the opportunity to stop, think, re-group, pivot, challenge, learn and grow! This is when you practice: Practice Conscious Breathing Stillness Paying Attention to signs and synchronicities Ground and Center Custom Self-Care Gratitude Dreamwork AND Inspired Action…and repeat as necessary

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