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  • Module 3: Work Through Challenges

    Before you can step into your soul’s true purpose, it’s important to get crystal clear and radically honest about how you feel about your life and work now. That takes courage and strength... While most of us already have an idea or inkling of what we truly want to be doing (more on how to tap into that later!), some of us have actually hidden this deep within ourselves so that we could keep doing the work we’re currently doing without major cognitive dissonance, that is inner and outer conflict and contradiction within ourselves. Some business owners who are successful and making good money (yes, that’s certainly possible even if you’re not in alignment!) have difficulty admitting that what they’re doing isn’t their true calling. Or they find ways to step around the alignment question and convince themselves that THIS is all there is in life. I invite you to think about the possibility of making money, running a successful business AND living a life dedicated to your bigger purpose. One of the best and most powerful tools is journaling and it’s especially helpful for those who aren’t quite sure what their calling is yet. Maybe you’ve had some ideas but then dismissed them as irrelevant or unimportant. Or maybe you’re stuck thinking about money and income. Just sit with a journal or notebook and start writing down thoughts. Don’t think about it too much; just let your mind wander and see what feelings and ideas rise to the surface. I recommend finding a quiet place to do this, either first thing in the morning or before bed. There’s no right or wrong way to journal and the idea is to just let the words, thoughts, and feelings flow out of your body without editing or worrying about what others will think. If you’re one who prefers specific journal prompts, here are some questions to use to get to the truth about your current situation. Be brutally honest–nobody is going to see this but you! What are you currently doing that you know you don’t enjoy? If you don’t have traditional work or career, what are the reasons? From Tony Robbins: Which tasks in your business feel like you have to push to get them done? Which tasks in your business feel like a pull–as in, they flow easily for you? Why are you really in your current business right now? (Popular reasons people are doing work that’s unaligned is because they need the money, it makes them a lot of money, appreciation, recognition, power, influence, etc.) What’s this current line of work giving you that keeps you holding onto it? If you have your in business, why did you start this business? (Radical honesty time: Did you choose this line of work/business because somebody else suggested it, or thought you’d “be so good at it”? Did you choose it to impress someone else, or worse, to please them?) When you talk about your business, do you tend to say things like, “I should” or “I need to” rather than “I want to”? Do you ever feel like you “settled” on your current business because you’re scared you can’t make it with a more unconventional calling? How often do you procrastinate when it comes to doing your work? Do you “hold off” on doing things that would take you to the “next level” in this business? (If so, this might be because you truthfully don’t love the work.) Do you tend to follow strategies that don’t feel good and then regret it? Do you ever feel like you’re putting on an act or not being your authentic self in your business? Do you feel like you’re constantly looking for the next magic pill to make your business feel better, but you rarely follow through? Are you constantly downloading freebies to try to “fix” your business? Does your current business require you to do things that go against your values? Do you ever implement marketing strategies or work with clients you don’t love, for example? Are things not working out for you despite your best efforts? This can be another sign you’re out of alignment with your true path. If there’s anything else you’d like to get off your chest about what you don’t love about your life path and current business, you can do it now. I highly encourage you to dig deep with these prompts. For each answer you write down, ask yourself WHY? Give examples so you’ll remember when you go back to read these answers. Embrace any feelings that arise and allow them to flow freely. You never have to feel bad for being a human with feelings. Too many times we hide those feelings under a façade of being strong but at some point that dam will break. Allow those feelings to come out. The purpose of these questions are to help you gain a bit more insight into what’s not working–and also, gave you an opportunity to be honest about it (perhaps for the first time.) The truth is, if you’re out of alignment for too long, things will get hard. Either what was working will suddenly stop working (so as to force you to change up what you're doing), or you’ll burn out. That said, you can make the choice now NOT to go that far and to instead start making tiny moves to your current business to step more into alignment..

  • Module 7 Evaluate and Realign Regularly

    Evaluate, Realign Regularly to Keep the Passion Alive (And Your Soul Wildly Satisfied) Your Life Purpose is not "one and done". It's your life experience, one moment at a time. Exercise: Evaluate One at a time, the various exercises in this program will help you find those moments of true joy, where your mind and your spirit soar, and you’re able to feel as if you’re truly reaching for your life’s purpose. But when looked at as a whole, you’ll begin to see themes emerge that will point the way to what you really want to do with your life. What superpowers do I have related to that theme? What recurring theme pops up time and time again? (Examples of themes might be technology, children, crafts, animals, or fitness.) Look back over your journal, your autobiography, your brainstorming session, and your superpower is Realignment and transformation go hand in hand. When you realign your beliefs (about anything), you are transforming into a better version of yourself. You’re allowing yourself to grow and morph into a greater being. Does transformation ever end? No, it’s a continuous journey until you die. So, do you think realignment is a one-time event? Not even close! You don’t just “get into alignment” once. We are ever-evolving beings, and over time, even this new aligned path might start to feel like it’s not 100% for you anymore. And that’s totally okay and normal! There’s no definite time period in which realignment occurs. Some people refer to the ‘7-year itch’ in talking about relationships but everyone’s realignment journey will be different. Some might happen at the 10-year mark while others occur after 3 years. One person might embrace six months to make business changes while another might take upwards of one year. There’s no right or wrong, so long as you’re happy with the outcome. Part of the apprehension about making realignment changes in our lives is that it won’t be easy; and who wants to willingly make their life chaotic? Here’s what you can do to ensure you make this process easier on yourself in the future: · Keep connecting with your intuition daily. Develop a practice that puts you back in touch with your inner voice every single day. Journaling, meditation, reiki, etc. · Be willing to keep making changes and shifts to get back into alignment. Life needs change, business needs change, and human desires change. What “alignment” looks like today might not be what it looks like in a few months, and especially not a few years. Don’t hang desperately onto what was, or you will miss what could be. Here are a few ways you’ll know you’re aligned (for the moment): · You love sharing your passion, business/work promoting your products and services. You love talking about it. · You believe in what you’re doing. · You adore (and believe in) yourself, the people in your life, your environment, and your clients. The common denominator for knowing you’re in alignment is love. I would also add excitement as a close second. You love showing up regardless of the results. You’re excited again about what the day holds and you’re eager to get to work. You might even notice your confidence soaring because you just KNOW that you can help others. While you want (and need) results from your efforts to continue operating as a business, that isn’t the main goal for you anymore. You have a business strategy, but if something doesn’t work out as planned, you still find that you enjoyed the process. For example, a program launch doesn’t result in as many sign-ups as you wanted, but you still loved promoting it and running it, even for fewer people and less cash. You’re also savvy enough to learn from what didn’t work well so you can make changes to improve your results the next time around. If you notice you’re NOT feeling aligned in ANY area of your business, pay attention to those feelings and process them rather than trying to forget about them. If you’re here, there’s something about your business that feels ‘off’ or unaligned. The beauty is that now you’ll understand those feelings and how to make the changes needed to get back into alignment. 1. Get radically honest. 2. Define what’s draining you or dragging you down about your current life or business. 3. Rewrite your purpose statement, as needed. 4. Choose a small shift to make and continue to make them until all feels aligned again. When you are aligned in your life and business, you’ll notice new opportunities appearing that you might have ignored previously. For example, you might notice a steady stream of prospects interested in your coaching or you might receive requests for interviews that might have gone unanswered before you learned about realigning your beliefs. Pay attention to this abundance and be grateful! Consider these opportunities as signs that you’re on the right path and new doors are opening for you! Exercise 1: Worksheet 12 30 Day Exercise 2: Worksheet 13 60 Day Exercise 3: Worksheet 14 90 Day Exercise 4: Worksheet 15 Week Planner Exercise 5: Worksheet 16 Checklist

  • Module 9 Putting it All Together

    Here are the best practices that we highly recommend that you follow to implement your new empowering Wake-Up ritual. By following these best practices, you will give yourself the maximum chance of implementing and maintaining your new Wake-Up ritual in the fastest possible time. 1. Understand the Benefits of Empowering Wake-Up Rituals It is essential that you understand the main benefits of implementing an empowering Wake-Up ritual. You are going to be embarking on a tough journey to change your existing ritual. An empowering Wake-Up ritual will ensure that you are in the best shape to tackle the day ahead. An empowering Wake-Up ritual will put you in control of the day rather than the day being in control of you. It will also help to raise your productivity levels and increase your energy levels. You will lower your stress levels, increase your confidence, improve your memory and be more flexible too. 2. Wake-Up Rituals of Successful People It can help you to decide what things to include in your new Wake-Up ritual when you know what works for others. Modeling successful people is a good thing to do here. Successful people review their goals and daily tasks each Wake-Up, perform some form of exercise, learn something new and practice mindfulness meditation. Many successful entrepreneurs also rad their positive affirmations out loud every Wake-Up and they also make time to eat breakfast with their loved ones. They tend to get up early in the Wake-Up and make their bed as the first task of the day. 3. Set Goals and Make Plans When you set challenging goals for yourself it will make you want to jump out of bed early each Wake-Up and work on them. Having a strong WHY statement associated with your goals will provide you with the motivation that you need to pursue your goals each day. You need to create a plan that you can break down into daily tasks as well. Make all of this part of your new empowering Wake-Up ritual. Read your goals and your WHY statement every Wake-Up for inspiration. Write or review your list of tasks for the day so you know exactly what you need to do. 4. Avoid Disempowering and Transform Wake-Up Rituals You need to fully identify your current Wake-Up rituals to see which are empowering you and which are not. Disempowering Wake-Up rituals include getting out of bed late, not performing any physical exercise, not performing any mental exercise, eating an unhealthy breakfast (or not eating breakfast at all), filling your head with negativity and not having daily plans. 5. Empowering Wake-Up Ritual Fundamentals All empowering Wake-Up rituals use the same fundamentals. The individual components are different but the fundamentals are all covered. These fundamentals are recognizing the importance of routines, understanding why people fail to change their routines, organization, commitment and persistence. 6. Include the Core Rituals You will create the most empowering Wake-Up ritual if you ensure that the core rituals are included in it. There are five core rituals that you need to include which are your health and well-being, having a purpose in your life, controlling your thoughts and emotions, improving your relationships and taking care of your finances. 7. Consider the most Empowering Wake-Up Rituals The new empowering Wake-Up ritual that you implement needs to be right for your circumstances. It needs to include the 5 core rituals for sure. It can be tough to generate ideas for empowering rituals so here use the following as a guide to the most empowering rituals. Feel Gratitude Get your body moving Get up earlier in the Wake-Up Add focus to your goals and daily plans Read your positive affirmation Practice mindfulness meditation Start and maintain a journal Perform mental exercises 8. Making your New Wake-Up Ritual Stick It is not going to be easy to implement your new Wake-Up ritual and making it stick. There are things that you can do to increase your chances of success such as taking small incremental steps, not trying to do everything at once, seeing the bigger picture, make the change fun and rewarding yourself when you make small gains.

  • Conclusion and Next Step

    Now that you know what you have to do to decide upon and implement a new empowering Wake-Up ritual it is time for you to take action. Don’t just read through the program and then let it gather digital dust on your hard drive. This is your life, so follow the steps and apply what you have learned. Most people do not have empowering Wake-Up rituals and tend to drift along in life. Some people will have Wake-Up rituals that totally disempower them so that they have high-stress levels and a very negative outlook for the day ahead. Now you have the tools to make your wake-up moments matter. So make every effort to change your Wake-Up ritual so that it empowers you by following the advice in this powerful program. Changing your current Wake-Up ritual is not going to be easy, but when you follow the steps in this program you can do it. Ready for more? Check the other programs I have available PROGRAMS and make sure you're on my list to stay updated on more programs and wellness products I'll offer.

  • Wake Up Routines- Bite-Sized Programs

    Notice I didn't say "morning". This is for you to wake up at your best no matter what your sleep schedule is. How refreshing! Enjoy 9 bite-size modules that are easy but powerful ways for you to make the absolute best time of your wake-up times. This is the perfect complement to Your Sweet Sleep Spot, deep rest and energy-filled, enriched time when you're awake. You'll also get some resources that include a full-sized workbook and a 103-page journal with prompts and affirmations you can use digitally or print out. You will also get the full Daily Rituals Bundle which is sold separately but included at no extra cost with the program. This has a full report on rituals, a full journal, a full report, a full workbook and daily ritual pages. Get this value pack only here at This is Diana

  • Introduction to Wake Up Rituals

    Why Wake up Routines Ideally, by now you are familiar with my work on sleep and dreams. I help individuals find their best sleep in various strategic and effective ways. Once you find the best, most restorative way to sleep, you want to make the absolute most of your waking hours-whatever they may be or whatever is going on around you. If you want to transform your life for the better then implementing customized and empowering wake-up rituals is a very significant step to take. You will learn exactly how to do it in this powerful program. Notice I didn’t say MORNING, but Wake-up. Because not everyone has the same sleep cycle. This is for you no matter what time you wake up, getting the proper quality sleep is the goal and waking up restored is the goal It may take time, effort and persistence to implement a new empowering Wake-Up ritual. Changing your existing wake-Up habits that you've used for a long time is not easy. But, by using the methods recommended in this program you will be able to transform it and increase your quality of life. It's important that you understand the major benefits of changing to a more empowering wake-Up ritual. The best reason is that it will put you in the right state of mind to tackle the day ahead and to be in control of the day rather than letting the day control you. Note: Day in this program means the hours you are awake and active. Having a purpose and setting goals the best way for you is critical so it's beneficial to have a plan for each goal. Having a powerful reason or "why" statement will help to drive up your motivation levels each day so that you can tackle anything in the pursuit of your goal(s). It's useful that you include a review of your goals and plans in your new wake-Up ritual. Everything that you need to know about deciding on, and implementing a new empowering wake-up ritual is in this powerful program. All you need is practice, patience and persistence. This program includes: 9 Modules A Guided Meditation SMART worksheets (a short one and a longer worksheet) The Daily Rituals Bundle (Report, Workbook, Planner, Journal, Monthly Planner Page and Daily Planner Page) (usually sold separately on the TID wellness shop) Let's Begin 🌠

  • Module 1 The Benefits of Wakeup Rituals

    As you sleep deeper and better, it is incredibly beneficial to have a plan on what to do once you are waking up more refreshed and ready to take on your waking hours. You may be wondering why you need to bother with a Wake-Up ritual. After all, you get up each Wake-Up and do stuff before you confront the strains and stresses of the day don’t you? But do the things that you do when you wake up empower you? Do they “set you up for the day”? Probably not! When you wake up in the Wake-Up it is very likely that your mind will be dominated by the things that you need to do during the day. This is not a good thing as it can completely overwhelm you and make you want to go back to bed. When you have a Wake-Up ritual you will perform the same empowering tasks each day. These will make you feel energized and ready for whatever the day has in store for you. Not having a Wake-Up ritual means that you are not likely to be prepared for the challenges that await you. There will be trouble ahead! So here are the major benefits to you of creating and implementing a new Wake-Up ritual: 1. Be in the Best Shape for the Day ahead The ritual that you perform when you get up in the Wake-Up will have a significant influence on the remainder of your day. If you start off the day in a “rushed” state of mind then this will stay with you all day. The same goes if you start the day off feeling lazy. When you have an empowering Wake-Up routine it will start your day off on the right footing. From the moment you wake up you will look forward to performing your Wake-Up ritual and the day ahead. Your Wake-Up ritual will put you in the best possible state of mind. 2. You will be in Control The opposite of being overwhelmed about what you have to achieve during the day ahead is being in control. Most people tend to rush through each task that they need to perform and the feeling of overwhelm remains with them throughout the entire day. When you participate in an empowering Wake-Up ritual it will help you to take control of your day rather than letting your day control you. You will not feel overwhelmed and have a clear head to tackle the tasks you need to complete in order of priority and in a quality way. Unfortunately, the majority of people let life control them. They are never properly prepared for tackling the day ahead and experience negative emotions as soon as they wake up in the Wake-Up. With a good Wake-Up ritual, you can take control of your day – every day. 3. You will be more Productive The main reason why you need a good Wake-Up ritual is to start every day right. It will put you in the right frame of mind to start being more productive as soon as you wake up in the Wake-Up. You will appreciate the value of your precious time and make the most efficient use of it. A good Wake-Up ritual will help you to maintain this productive feeling throughout the day. It will help you to focus better and get more things done. If you are in the habit of starting different tasks and not finishing them then a good Wake-Up ritual will help you to eliminate this bad habit. When you are in a more productive state of mind you will complete each day with more feelings of satisfaction. You will know that you have finished all of the tasks you needed to achieve properly and you can relax at home and sleep better. 4. Give your Energy Levels a Boost Most people hate the Wake-Ups because they have low levels of energy when they first wake up. With a good Wake-Up ritual designed to boost your energy levels you will feel great afterwards. You will be raring to go and tackle all of the tasks that you have ahead of you. When you give your energy levels a boost through your Wake-Up ritual you will believe that you can tackle anything. You will not have any time for laziness as you will want to burn off your increased energy by getting things done. 5. Implement Healthier Habits Getting out of bed straight away after waking up is a problem for a lot of people. They will stay in their warm bed for another 10 minutes instead. This 10-minute snooze turns into 15 minutes and then 30 minutes and before you know it you are running late. Jumping out of bed in a rush is not where you want to be. Sure, we all oversleep or get up late sometimes, but you don’t want this to become a bad habit (maybe it already is with you?). Running late will stress you out and going for an additional snooze is a waste of your precious time. With a good Wake-Up ritual, you will eliminate these kinds of bad habits and replace them with healthier ones. You can perform some gentle breathing exercises for example or practice mindfulness meditation for a few minutes. 6. Lower your Stress Levels You do not want to start your day off in a stressful state. When you are overwhelmed by the things that you need to do during the day ahead you will elevate your stress levels. The same will happen if you are late and rushing around. With a good Wake-Up ritual, you will have an organized start to your day and know what you need to do. After a short while you will perform your Wake-Up ritual without thinking about it too much (if at all). It is essential for your health that you reduce your stress levels to a minimum. High levels of stress will also negatively impact your emotional well-being. Stress can easily turn into anxiety and then depression. Experiencing continual high levels of stress will elevate your blood pressure and can lead to chronic illnesses. 7. Increase your Confidence A good Wake-Up ritual will put you in a calm state of mind which will make you feel more confident. You will feel better about yourself and this will help to raise your self-esteem. Taking time out for yourself first thing is a great way to boost your confidence. Any feelings of rushing around will gradually disappear. You will have more time to get organized for the day ahead and you will be in the right state of mind to believe that you can accomplish absolutely anything. 8. Improve your Memory Have you ever got up in the Wake-Up, been through the same routine and then arrived at your place of work only to realize that you have forgotten something important? This probably happens to you more times than you think. A good daily Wake-Up ritual will help you to remember all of the important things that you need to do each day. You will be much less likely to forget things as you will be in a more organized frame of mind. 9. Increase your Flexibility Things will often turn out in a different way than you anticipated during the day. One of the benefits of a good Wake-Up ritual is that you develop your flexibility so that you can more easily change course to tackle the unexpected. 10. Better Family Relationships If you are stressed in the Wake-Up who is likely to feel the brunt of this? Your family of course. How many times have you snapped at your spouse or your children because you are running late? It is OK we have all done this, but you want to get out of this habit fast. A good Wake-Up ritual will help you to reduce your stress and be more loving and caring towards your family members. It will help you to be more organized and free up more time for you to spend with your family. Let your family know what your new Wake-Up ritual is going to be so that they can work around this. No more arguments about who uses the bathroom first! A good Wake-Up ritual will help you to connect better with your family and minimize any Wake-Up confrontations. In the next section, we will discuss the Wake-Up rituals of successful people…those living their best life!

  • Module 4 Wake Up Habits You Need to Avoid

    You will have Wake-Up rituals that you practice each day now whether you realize it or not. But do these rituals empower or disempower you? The first step to assess your current rituals is to write a list of those things that you have been doing every day for as long as you can remember. Identify your Current Wake-Up Rituals Take some quiet time to think about what you do every Wake-Up. Sometimes it can be difficult to identify these things because you will do them on autopilot. So, you need to dig deep here so that you can come up with a good list to work from. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself when identifying your current Wake-Up rituals: What is the first thing that I do when I get up in the Wake-Up? How do I feel when I get up in the Wake-Up? What do I eat in the Wake-Ups? What time do I usually get up? What media do I pay attention to? What do I do to improve my physical health? What do I do to improve my mental health? Am I angry or stressed in the Wake-Ups? Do I experience negative, anxious, and worrying thoughts in the Wake-Up? How do I interact with my partner and family? This is not an exhaustive list. As you go through these questions it is possible that other things may enter your head. Make sure that you write everything down as you want to compile a list of your current rituals. When you have your list there will be things on there that you will carry on doing regardless for example, going to the bathroom, taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Everything else is subject to scrutiny to see if it empowers you or not. Your Thoughts Will Shape your Day ahead If the rituals that you perform when you wake up result in your experiencing a lot of negative thoughts about your life or your day ahead then you need to make a change here. Starting each day with a head full of negative thoughts is not going to empower you. On the contrary, it will make you resentful and disempower you. Always remember that you are in control of your thoughts and actions. You can eliminate any negative thoughts in your head by neutralizing them with positive thoughts. Sometimes, negative beliefs will trigger a negative thought spiral. When you change your old wake-up habits to empowering ones you will love waking up any time or day of the week. You will be in the best possible frame of mind to tackle your day ahead and have high energy and motivation levels to achieve all of your tasks. Getting Out of Bed Late Because You're Sleep Deprived Getting up late is not an empowering ritual. You are unlikely to seize the day if you get up late enough that you have to rush through any of your tasks. As a Sleep Science Coach, I can tell you with confidence, good sleep is essential for your health, Not getting enough sleep will leave you feeling very sluggish and open to all kinds of negative consequences, like sickness, foggy brain, and increased chance of accidents among some examples. The best thing to do is give yourself enough time to have restful sleep so you don't have to rush or be sleep deprived. No Physical Exercise If your current Wake-Up ritual does not include some form of gentle physical exercise then you need to change this. Any form of exercise is good as it will get your heart pumping and improve your circulation. Even gentle stretching will do the trick. No Mental Exercise Do you do anything to work your brain with your current Wake-Up schedule? Just like your body, your brain needs regular exercise. There are many simple things that you can do to include mental exercise as part of an empowering Wake-Up ritual. This can be the mind-body exercise of just sitting few moments gently watching and monitoring your breathing. Unhealthy Eating or no Eating at All What kind of breakfast are you eating in the Wake-Up? Is it healthy and a good provider of energy or is it unhealthy? Do you eat at all? For some reason, it seems to be fashionable these days to skip meals. This is not a good idea for many reasons. Changing your current first meal routine for a healthier one is something else that will not be easy for you to do. It is going to take time and persistence to change your current eating habits for healthy ones. Filling your Head with Negativity When you get up in the Wake-Up, do you switch on the news or immerse yourself in social media? Both of these things can trigger negative thoughts in your mind. The news is always full of doom and gloom and there are many negative people on social media. These things can have a really negative impact on your frame of mind which you want to avoid. We are not saying that you shouldn’t use some form of media in the Wake-Ups, just go for something that is more likely to be empowering for you. No Plans at All If daily plans are not part of your current Wake-Up ritual then consider changing this. Without some kind of plan A, B, or C for the day, life will control you and you will feel a little lost or feel you've wasted time. Even if you plan to “go with the flow” and don't have specific plans if you mindfully move through your day, it puts you in a position of empowerment. BONUS: Avoid tiny timewasters that add up. Download the PDF In the next section, we will discuss the fundamentals of an empowering Wake-Up ritual…

  • Module 8 Making the Rituals Last

    You are only going to benefit from your new Wake-Up ritual if you stick with it. So in this section we will provide you with some proven ways that you can use to help to make your new Wake-Up routine stick. Decide what to include with your New Wake-Up Ritual What are you going to include in your new Wake-Up ritual? We have given you a lot of ideas throughout this guide and you need to decide what is best for you. Make a list of the things that you would like to add to your new Wake-Up ritual and then prioritize them. In time, you can add everything that you want into your new Wake-Up ritual. Take Small Incremental Steps Do not try to do too much or change too fast. This will severely decrease your chances of successfully implementing and maintaining a more empowering Wake-Up ritual. Introduce the new things in a small way to start with. You will get used to the new way of doing things given time, and then you can gradually increase the amount that you do. Don’t try to do everything at once In order to perform your new Wake-Up ritual, you will probably need to get up earlier in the Wake-Up. It is not a good idea to try getting up 2 or 3 hours earlier than you normally do because the change is too much. So, if you have several things that you want to include in your new Wake-Up ritual, prioritize them and introduce them gradually as you get used to getting up earlier over time. If you try to add everything in at once and force yourself to get up at least an hour earlier than you do now then you are likely to significantly decrease your chances of success. Make it enjoyable and see the bigger picture If you make your new Wake-Up ritual fun then you will be far more likely to stick to it. Think of ways that you can make all of the components of your new Wake-Up ritual fun. See the bigger picture when you are starting a new Wake-Up ritual. You will change your life for the better by sticking with the new ritual. Reward yourself when you stick to your new Wake-Up Ritual It is going to take a lot of determination and persistence to make your new Wake-Up ritual stick. Changing the things that you have done for years every Wake-Up is no easy task. So, provide yourself with regular rewards for sticking to your new Wake-Up ritual. The choice of rewards is up to you. They do not have to be big or expensive rewards. Just something that you will look forward to and derive pleasure from. Give yourself a pat on the back (in your head) every day that you complete your new Wake-Up ritual. In the final section, we will put it all together and contemplate your next steps on the road to wellbeing.

  • 😎 10 Reasons to Bother With Wake Up Rituals

    You may be wondering why you need to bother with a Wake-Up Ritual. After all, you get up each Wake-Up and do stuff before you confront the strains and stresses of the day don’t you? But do the things that you do when you get up in the Wake-Up empower you? Do they “set you up for the day”? Probably not! When you wake up in the Wake-Up it is very likely that your mind will be dominated by the things that you need to do during the day. This is not a good thing as it can completely overwhelm you and make you want to go back to bed. When you have a Wake-Up ritual you will perform the same empowering tasks each day. These will make you feel energized and ready for whatever the day has in store for you. Not having a Wake-Up ritual means that you are not likely to be prepared for the challenges that await you. There will be trouble ahead! So here are the major benefits to you of creating and implementing a new Wake-Up ritual: 1. Be in the Best Shape for the Day Ahead The ritual that you perform when you get up in the Wake-Up will have a significant influence on the remainder of your day. If you start off the day in a “rushed” state of mind then this will stay with you all day. The same goes if you start the day off feeling lazy. When you have an empowering Wake-Up routine it will start your day off on the right footing. From the moment you wake up you will look forward to performing your Wake-Up ritual and the day ahead. Your Wake-Up ritual will put you in the best possible state of mind. 2. You'll be in Control The opposite of being overwhelmed about what you have to achieve during the day ahead is being in control. Most people tend to rush through each task that they need to perform and the feeling of overwhelm remains with them throughout the entire day. When you participate in an empowering Wake-Up ritual it will help you to take control of your day rather than letting your day control you. You will not feel overwhelmed and have a clear head to tackle the tasks you need to complete in order of priority and in a quality way. Unfortunately, the majority of people let life control them. They are never properly prepared for tackling the day ahead and experience negative emotions as soon as they wake up in the Wake-Up. With a good Wake-Up ritual, you can take control of your day – every day. 3. You'll be More Productive The main reason why you need a good Wake-Up ritual is to start every day right. It will put you in the right frame of mind to start being more productive as soon as you wake up in the Wake-Up. You will appreciate the value of your precious time and make the most efficient use of it. A good Wake-Up ritual will help you to maintain this productive feeling throughout the day. It will help you to focus better and get more things done. If you are in the habit of starting different tasks and not finishing them then a good Wake-Up ritual will help you to eliminate this bad habit. When you are in a more productive state of mind you will complete each day with more feelings of satisfaction. You will know that you have finished all of the tasks you needed to achieve properly and you can relax at home and sleep better. 4. You'll Give Your Energy Levels a Boost Most people hate the Wake-Ups because they have low levels of energy when they first wake up. With a good Wake-Up ritual designed to boost your energy levels you will feel great afterwards. You will be raring to go and tackle all of the tasks that you have ahead of you. When you give your energy levels a boost through your Wake-Up ritual you will believe that you can tackle anything. You will not have any time for laziness as you will want to burn off your increased energy by getting things done. 5. Implement Healthier Habits Getting out of bed straight away after waking up is a problem for a lot of people. They will stay in their warm bed for another 10 minutes instead. This 10-minute snooze turns into 15 minutes and then 30 minutes and before you know it you are running late. Jumping out of bed in a rush is not where you want to be. Sure, we all oversleep or get up late sometimes, but you don’t want this to become a bad habit (maybe it already is with you?). Running late will stress you out and going for an additional snooze is a waste of your precious time. With a good Wake-Up ritual, you will eliminate these kinds of bad habits and replace them with healthier ones. You can perform some gentle breathing exercises for example or practice mindfulness meditation for a few minutes. 6. Lower Your Stress Levels You do not want to start your day off in a stressful state. When you are overwhelmed by the things that you need to do during the day ahead you will elevate your stress levels. The same will happen if you are late and rushing around. With a good Wake-Up ritual, you will have an organized start to your day and know what you need to do. After a short while you will perform your Wake-Up ritual without thinking about it too much (if at all). It is essential for your health that you reduce your stress levels to a minimum. High levels of stress will also negatively impact your emotional well-being. Stress can easily turn into anxiety and then depression. Experiencing continual high levels of stress will elevate your blood pressure and can lead to chronic illnesses. 7. Increase Your Confidence A good Wake-Up ritual will put you in a calm state of mind which will make you feel more confident. You will feel better about yourself and this will help to raise your self-esteem. Taking time out for yourself first thing is a great way to boost your confidence. Any feelings of rushing around will gradually disappear. You will have more time to get organized for the day ahead and you will be in the right state of mind to believe that you can accomplish absolutely anything. 8. Improve Your Memory Have you ever got up in the Wake-Up, been through the same routine and then arrived at your place of work only to realize that you have forgotten something important? This probably happens to you more times than you think. A good daily Wake-Up ritual will help you to remember all of the important things that you need to do each day. You will be much less likely to forget things as you will be in a more organized frame of mind. 9. Increase Your Flexibility Things will often turn out in a different way than you anticipated during the day. One of the benefits of a good Wake-Up ritual is that you develop your flexibility so that you can more easily change course to tackle the unexpected. 10. You'll Enjoy Better Relationships If you are stressed in the Wake-Up who is likely to feel the brunt of this? Your family of course. How many times have you snapped at your spouse or your children because you are running late? It is OK we have all done this, but you want to get out of this habit fast. A good Wake-Up ritual will help you to reduce your stress and be more loving and caring towards your family members. It will help you to be more organized, and free up more time for you to spend with your family. Let your family know what your new Wake-Up ritual is going to be so that they can work around this. No more arguments about who uses the bathroom first! A good Wake-Up ritual will help you to connect better with your family and minimize any Wake-Up confrontations. If are single, like so many others, having overall better harmony and peace of mind is a darn good reason to create your Wake-Up ritual. In the next section, we will discuss the Wake-Up rituals of successful people…because who doesn't want to be successful in anything they do?

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