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  • Module 2 The Wake Up Rituals of the Successful

    You need to decide the kind of Wake-Up rituals that will support the changes that you want to make in your life. To help you to decide which Wake-Up rituals are the best, we will discuss the rituals that successful people use in this section. As you might imagine, the Wake-Up routines of those who felt they were successful differed from one person to another, but some things came up time and time again. So here we have 10 Wake-Up rituals that successful individual entrepreneurs use and recommend. By successful I mean, you achieve the goals, planned and unplanned, with great satisfaction. You have and use your precious time and you have more say over your decisions in general. 1. WHY Statements, Goals and Tasks One thing that all of these successful entrepreneurs had in common for sure is that they all set challenging goals and broke these down into daily tasks. Most of them had a WHY statement associated with their goals too. So as part of their Wake-Up rituals, many successful entrepreneurs read their WHY statements, their goals and the things on their task list for that day. This helps to focus them on the important things that they need to achieve for the day and the WHY statement and goals confirm why they are taking all of this action. It is essential to have the right level of focus and priorities for each day. If you don’t do this then other things will fill up your precious time that does not serve you as well. So choose and read your goals and your task lists each Wake-Up for clarity and direction. 2. Gentle Exercise Almost all successful people including entrepreneurs performed some kind of exercise routine as part of their Wake-Up ritual. This varied from simple breathing exercises to running a couple of miles in the Wake-Up to clear the tubes. You do not have to sign up for a gym membership and participate in intense workouts here. Just start slowly with something simple such as a walk or some breathing exercises. Get into the habit of daily exercise and very soon you will want to do more. Exercise will get your heart pumping and make your circulation work for you. You will have more energy for the day after this. 3. Learn Something New You will have heard the term “learn something new every day” for sure. The successful person start their day by learning something new. A lot of them read books which seems to be a dying art these days with the availability of the Internet and information at our fingertips. There are podcasts and audiobooks that you can listen to (while you are exercising for example) where you can learn something new just by listening. Bill Gates and Elon Musk are both avid readers. You can go online to learn something new as well. YouTube is a great resource for this and you should be able to find videos that will answer all of the questions that you have. There are conventional websites too that will help you to learn new things through text-based content. 4. Mindfulness Meditation Many successful entrepreneurs practice mindfulness meditation as part of their Wake-Up rituals. Most entrepreneurs have a thousand things buzzing around in their heads and few minutes of mindfulness meditation brings them back to the moment and helps to clear their minds. It is not difficult to participate in mindfulness meditation. There are plenty of resources online where you can learn how to do this. After a short time, you will find that it is very easy to do and you can do it on autopilot. The benefits of mindfulness meditation are manyfold. So get started today. 5. Positive Affirmations Everyone can benefit from a confidence boost each Wake-Up and one of the easiest ways to do this is to write some positive affirmations and read these out loud. Spending time on your self-development first thing in the Wake-Up is a great thing to do. Think about the weaknesses that you have and then write affirmations around these. For example, if you have a fear of doing things that you have never done before you can write an affirmation confirming that “you can do anything”. This irrational fear usually stems from not knowing how to do something or the effort required to learn a new skill. Even successful persons have weaknesses and all of their positive affirmations will be different from the next person’s. It is essential that you do what works for you with your Wake-Up ritual. So, get writing those positive affirmations and reading them aloud each Wake-Up. 6. Eat your meal with your loved ones Successful individuals are often away from their families for several hours each day. This is because they are working really hard and long hours to achieve their goals. The one time that they are going to be around with the family is often when they wake up . Many of the entrepreneurs made a point of eating some meals with their families. They spend quality time with their loved ones eating well and talking to each other. So, if you live with others, make the most of breakfast time. 7. Make your Bed If you are in the military, one of the first things that you will have to do when you get up in the Wake-Up is to make your bed. We are not suggesting here that you have to make your bed perfectly with “hospital corners” as they do in the military, but at least make it look presentable. Making your bed is performing a specific task. If you do this as part of your Wake-Up ritual, your subconscious gets used to you carrying out a task each day. This will then help you get into the discipline of performing all of your other tasks for the day. When you make your bed every time you wake up it shows that you have an organized mind and intention. This is very important in modern life where you have different stimuli coming at you from all angles. You are focused on making your bed when you get up and this focus will be beneficial to you throughout the day. 8. Check What's Happening Online We live in a connected world. Some people are glued to their smartphones all day long to ensure that they do not miss some notification or other. This is overkill and we are not suggesting that you do this. Being a slave to technology is not a good thing. What is a good thing is to check your emails and social media messages as part of your Wake-Up ritual. Things change all of the time, and you want to ensure that you are on top of things going into the day ahead. Technology is part of modern life whether we like it or not. Most of us interact with others and you need to respond to any messages that are important. This does not mean monitoring your phone every second of the day. Just establish a good habit of checking in once a day when you wake up. 9. Learn and Practice Yoga Many successful persons learned how to practice yoga and do this as part of their Wake-Up ritual each day. This includes everyone. Not only is yoga a great form of exercise, but it can also help you to clear your mind so that you are in good shape for the day ahead. Yoga is all about reaching harmony and balance, there lies the true sweet spot of success Note: Please check for many yoga resources from beginner to advanced. 10. Give Yourself Enough Time to Get Up Most successful individuals said that part of their Wake-Up ritual was to get absolutely make sure they get enough sleep so they can get up with MORE time to do whatever they need and want. Another reason is that they like to get up because they can get a lot of things done while there is nobody else around. One thing that we strongly encourage you to do is to treat your time as the most precious commodity that you have. Successful entrepreneurs know this, which is why they get up early every day. They want to get the most out of the time that they have available. In the next section, we will discuss the power of goals, WHY statements and plans…

  • Module 3 Power of Goals and Why Statements

    Nothing will make you want to jump out of bed more than a challenging and exciting goal that you have set yourself. It will create a true purpose in your life that will energize you and make you look forward to every new day. To make your goal(s) mean even more to you, we highly recommend that you create an empowering WHY statement that provides the real reasons why you are pursuing your goal(s). Creating a goal for the sake of it is not as powerful as associating a strong WHY statement with it. Each day you need to make progress toward the achievement of your goal(s). You need a plan that you can break down into daily tasks that you can tackle each day to move you closer to your goal(s). The final step is to add the reading of your goal(s), WHY statement and daily plans to your empowering Wake-Up ritual. Set Challenging and Exciting Goals If you do not have any goals set at the moment then you need to work on this right now. Take some time out where you will not be disturbed and brainstorm what you want to achieve in your life in the short term and long term. Write all of your ideas down on paper. When you have a list of possible goals, go through each one and ask yourself how you will feel about achieving the goal. Really make the feelings strong here. The reason that you need to do this is that you want to identify the goal(s) that you really want to achieve. Having a list of goals is not going to do much for you. If you are not totally passionate about achieving them then you will not find the necessary drive and motivation to accomplish them. It is likely that you will be trying to achieve a challenging goal while you are taking care of all of your normal business. So, the goal needs to really set you on fire. After going through this exercise, you should be able to identify the goal(s) that you really want to achieve. The feelings that you experience when thinking of how life will be when you have achieved this goal will be the strongest of all. Use the SMART Goal setting process There are many ways that you can set inspiring goals but we are yet to find a process better than SMART. If you are unfamiliar with SMART, it stands for: Specific – Any goal that you set must be specific. Setting a goal to earn more money in the next year is useless. How much more money do you want? Use a specific amount here. Measurable – If you cannot measure how well you are doing in pursuit of your goal then you are wasting your time. Having a goal to earn a specific amount of money or lose a certain amount of weight is easily measurable. Make sure all of your goals are measurable. Achievable – Some people set goals that are impossible for them to achieve. You do not want to do this as it will frustrate you and tank your motivation. Before you set a goal, ask yourself how achievable it really is given your circumstances. Achievable is different to challenging. A challenging goal is certainly possible to achieve. It is useless to set easy goals. Realistic – This is similar to achievable but there is a difference. You may have the capability to achieve a goal but is it realistic given all of the other things that are going on in your life right now? Fighting your life to achieve a goal is not realistic. Time – All of the goals that you set need a specific time frame for their achievement. Setting a goal to make an additional $100,000 is useless without a time frame. It could take you 10 years to achieve this. Would you be happy with that? Probably not right? Add a date or timeline for the achievement to all of your goals. When you are setting your goals don’t worry about how you are going to achieve them. We will cover this in the planning section below. Just make sure that you really want any goal that y ou set and you use the SMART process to write it down (yes, you need to write it down). Download your two SMART goals worksheets one is short and one more detailed. Use whichever you need at any given time. Create a Strong WHY Statement You have chosen the goal(s) that you want to set and used the SMART process to record it. Now you need to create a strong WHY statement that explains why you really want to achieve the goal(s). This WHY statement needs to include a strong emotional driver that will inspire you every Wake-Up. Maybe you want to achieve your goal(s) to make life better for you and your partner or your family. If this is the case, be sure to add this to your WHY statement. You need to include strong emotions in your WHY statement as these will drive up your motivation levels every Wake-Up that you read it. Your WHY statement does not have to be complicated or follow a particular format. It is there to inspire and motivate you so write it any way you want. When you write your WHY statement test it by reading it aloud and then noticing how you feel. If you are not totally excited and ready to go then adjust your WHY statement to make it stronger. Create a Realistic Plan Now it is time to think about how you are going to achieve your goal(s). You need to create a plan here which you can break down into individual tasks. If you have no idea how to achieve your goal then do some research online to find out how others have done this. Another good technique you can use is to take yourself off to a quiet place with a pen and paper and ask yourself the question “how am I going to achieve [your goal]?’ When you ask this question, your subconscious mind will start to work for you and provide you with some answers. Be sure to write everything down and don’t judge. Long after you have finished your quiet questioning session you could find that your subconscious keeps providing you with ideas for your plan. When these occur be sure to write them down. Go through all of your ideas and create a high-level plan for the achievement of your goal(s). Think about the order in which you need to achieve these things. It all needs to make sense so that you can get started. Identify Daily Tasks Now that you have your high-level plan you need to identify daily tasks that you need to complete to move you closer to your goal. What can you do today to make a start? Maybe you need to conduct some online research to find out more information about something. You need to be committed to a daily task list. I recommend that you start to use a journal to record your progress and create your new task list each day. A journal are included in the last section of this program. Always work out your tasks for the next day the night before as you will want to focus on your tasks for the day as part of your empowering Wake-Up ritual. Up next, we will discuss Wake-Up rituals that you need to avoid…

  • Module 5 Rituals Change Your Life for the better

    Before we get into the Wake-Up rituals that you can adopt to change your life for the better, it is important that you understand the fundamentals of an empowering Wake-Up ritual. The Wake-Up ritual that you decide to adopt will be personal to you and there is no “one size fits all” approach to this. The Importance of Routines and Rituals We all have routines that we follow every day. Some of these routines may empower us and others may disempower us. The majority of these routines are habits. They are things that we do on autopilot every day. If you are rushed when you wake up it is because your routines do not support you not being rushed. You probably get out of bed at the last possible minute and everything is stressful from that point. These are all habitual routines that you can change. Why are our routines so important? Well, they are responsible for the way that we run our lives. Many studies have shown that the routine habits of humans are critical to what they do every day. Around 45% of all human behavior is the result of habits. We all have habits that we have built up over time. The creation of any human habit requires new and complex neural pathways to form in our brains. These neural connections dictate a pattern of behavior you are very likely to use at particular times – such as the Wake-Up for example. As we repeat our habits, we make them stronger. The most important question that arises from this is the amount of control that we have over our habits and therefore our routines. Most habits are rooted deeply in our brains so is it possible to change them? The answer to this is that we can change our habits and routines but it is not an easy task. If it were not possible to change routines then people would not be able to make significant changes in their lives. Overweight people would always be overweight and poor people would always be poor. But we have all witnessed people that have turned their lives around so this tells you that changing routines is completely possible. Why People Fail to Change Their Routines The main reason why people fail to change their routines is that they try to do too much at once. If you are 30 pounds overweight then it is ridiculous to think that you can lose all of this in a week for example. But people do this. When they fail, they believe that they cannot change themselves and give up trying. What happens a lot s that people will see some initial success when trying to change their routines. But as soon as they hit a plateau they will give up and return to their former routines. Most people do not have the tenacity and persistence to keep going to eventually get the result that they want. Have you tried to change a bad habit before and failed? If you have then don’t beat yourself up over this or believe that you cannot change your habits or routines in the future. We have all tried to change routines and failed. The ones that persisted with the change achieved success. To overcome the high likelihood of failure when trying to change your routines you need to take some important steps. Your success in changing your routines lies in your ability to remain committed, persistent and organized over a period of time. You will experience a lot more success if you make small changes at a time rather than trying to do too much. Do not try to bite off more than you can chew. With small incremental changes you are far more likely to make important gains with changing your routines. Let’s take a more detailed look at organization, persistence and commitment. Organization What exactly do you want to achieve with your new Wake-Up ritual? It is essential that you are clear on this. Do you want to have more time in the Wake-Ups? Do you want to have more energy for the day ahead? Do you want to be less stressed in the Wake-Ups than you are now? All of these things are good and over time you can achieve them all. Let’s take the example of wanting more energy in the Wake-Ups. In order to achieve this, you will need to take some specific actions such as: Going to bed earlier the previous night Not eating heavy meals too close before bed Using techniques to get to sleep quickly Commitment Changing your existing habits and routines is not going to happen overnight. Adopting a new empowering a wake-up routine could take weeks or even months. Without the right level of commitment to changing and existing routine you are very likely to give up. There have been numerous studies on human habits over the years. Some experts will tell you that it takes 21 days to form a new habit while others tell you it takes longer. The most recent studies suggest that the average time to form a new habit is anywhere between 66 days and 254 days, depending on the person. It is vital that you are aware of this and know that you will require a high level of commitment to make the changes to your Wake-Up ritual that you want. We mentioned a strong WHY statement helps to inspire you to achieve your goals in the last chapter. So, figure out the real reasons why you want an empowering Wake-Up ritual and use these to inspire you. Persistence There are going to be times when you feel like throwing in the towel when it comes to adopting new routines for your empowering Wake-Up ritual. Persistence is the thing that will see you through these tough times. The key to developing your persistence is to experience gains from small incremental changes. Every time you experience a gain, however small, you will be motivated to do more. You did not give up so your level of persistence increases. In the next section, we'll discuss the core rituals you need to change your life for the better…

  • Module 6 Core Areas to Create Rituals

    You need to achieve the right balance in your life to create the life that you desire. Here we will discuss the core rituals that you need to adopt to get the most from your life. Later on in this guide, we will provide you with ideas for the most empowering Wake-Up rituals that you can adopt. If you do not embrace all of the core rituals we discuss here, then you will not be getting the most out of your life. There will be something missing and you may try to find other things to fill the gap. You may choose other things that disempower you and waste your time so we want you to avoid this. 1. Your Health and Wellbeing You are never going to get what you want from your life if you do not have the health and well-being to support you. It is essential that you do all that you can to get into physical shape and maintain this. We have said this before and we will say it again. Adding physical exercise to your Wake-Up ritual does not have to mean that you have to knock your pipe out from day one. There are plenty of things that you can do to start off gently and then build on this. In the last module you learned that the most common reason for failure with new Wake-Up rituals is trying to do too much too soon. This definitely applies to exercise. Some people will join a gym and sign up for all of the intense workout classes that they can. When they go to these classes, they quickly discover that they are too much for them. They are worn out in the first few minutes and feel terrible afterwards. If you overdo it like this then you are setting yourself up for failure. Try some gentle breathing exercises first. You can find some great tutorial videos on YouTube that will show you how to do this properly. Go for a walk in the Wake-Up or do some gentle stretches to get your heart pumping and your circulation working harder. Another aspect of your health and well-being is your diet. If your diet is not healthy (it is very likely that you will already know this) then you need to take steps to change it. Again, we do not recommend crash diets or anything else that is extreme. Take small steps to make your diet healthier and you will have a far greater chance of success. 2. Have a Purpose in your Life Most people have no idea what they want from their life and drift along aimlessly. They let life shape their destiny rather than taking responsibility to do this themselves. If you let life control you then you are never going to be truly happy and fulfilled. We dedicated a whole chapter in this guide to goal setting, WHY statements and plans. This is because they are all so very important. You must know what you want from your life and then set goals to achieve this. It is essential that you add a life purpose element to your new Wake-Up ritual. This will drive you forward with excitement every day. If you do not have a purpose then you are just existing and this is very difficult to get excited about. 3. Control your Emotions The emotions that you experience have an impact on your mind. If you are not in the right frame of mind or “state” then it will be almost impossible for you to make rational and objective decisions throughout the day. Not controlling your emotions is going to result in them controlling you. At any time, an emotion can cause a negative thought spiral which will bring you down and make you stressed and overwhelmed. There can be more drastic consequences from letting your emotions control you such as anxiety and depression. You need to practice controlling your emotions as part of your Wake-Up ritual. One of the best ways to do this is through positive affirmations and thought control. Thought control is not just something that you do in the Wake-Up of course. It needs to be practiced all of the time. Do something positive every Wake-Up and avoid negativity. If you know that something is going to trigger negative emotions for you then avoid it. Yes, it is easier said than done, but letting your emotions rule your life is a road to nowhere. Keep check on your positive emotions as well. We want you to be as happy and excited as possible, but this can be a hindrance if you need to make some important decisions. People often make the wrong decisions when they get too excited so please bear this in mind. 4. Work on your Relationships Your relationships with others will definitely affect your mental, and sometimes physical, well-being. If you share your home with others then the Wake-Up is a great time for you to work a little on your relationships with them. It is vital that you avoid toxic relationships at all costs. They can result in anger and even despair. Living in a toxic relationship for too long can result in anxiety and depression. If you are in a toxic relationship with a loved one then you need to change this fast. As part of your Wake-Up ritual, make time for the people that you live with so that you can enhance the relationship that you have with them. Eat breakfast with your family every day and talk about positive things. Encourage your children to do well in life and tell your partner how much you care about them. Strong relationships with others will lead to a wonderful life for you so do something each Wake-Up to improve this. If you find yourself alone for a while then add some relationship actions to your daily tasks such as sending a message to your partner etc. Good relationships are critical for your career or business success as well, so take a little time each Wake-Up to decide what you can do to make these stronger. The Wake-Up is the best time to make these relationship decisions. 5. Take care of your Finances Money isn’t everything but it is certainly very important. If you are not in control of your money then use your Wake-Up ritual to focus yourself on your finances. What you want to achieve here are some positive actions that you can carry out during the day ahead that will put you in better shape financially. Take a long hard look at your financial situation. Are you generating enough income for the lifestyle that you want? Do you spend money on things that you don’t need? One of your goals may be financial freedom and this will provide the focus on money that you need. But also look at what you are doing with your money now. Next, we'll discuss empowering Wake-Up rituals…

  • Module 7 Empowering Rituals

    We said right from the outset in this guide that the Wake-Up rituals that you decide to implement will be unique to you. What we wanted to do in this chapter is to give you some ideas for your Wake-Up rituals that are working well for others. You need to decide which of these, if any, you will adopt into your new Wake-Up ritual. Embrace the Core Rituals Although the choice of empowering Wake-Up rituals is your decision, we strongly recommend that you embrace the core rituals that we discussed in the previous chapter. To refresh your memory, the core rituals are: 1. Your health and wellbeing 2. A purpose in your life 3. Control your emotions 4. Work on your relationships 5. Take care of your finances There are plenty of ideas for each of these core rituals. By working on these things every day you will have a very fulfilling and happy life. Add at least one of these core rituals in each category to your new Wake-Up ritual. Feel Gratitude This is a powerful Wake-Up ritual that most people overlook. When you show gratitude for what you already have in your life then it will set you up to receive more good things. You can use gratitude to cover all of the core rituals. Showing gratitude every Wake-Up is an excellent way to start the day off in a positive frame of mind. We recommend that you write down different things that you are grateful for each day and read these out aloud in the Wake-Up. Experience gratitude for your health, wealth and the people around you. It doesn’t matter what the state of your finances are at the moment and how you are living. You can show gratitude for the fact that you have a roof over your head and that you have sufficient income to put food on the table. When you express gratitude each Wake-Up you will focus on the positive aspects of your life. You can be grateful for anything – big or small. Practicing gratitude every Wake-Up is one of the most empowering rituals of all. There are always different things that you can be grateful for so get into the habit of identifying them. Get Moving Find a form of exercise to get you moving in the Wake-Up. This does not have to be a long run or an intense workout. You can start off by taking a walk, performing stretching exercises or breathing exercises. The important thing is that you are participating in some form of exercise every Wake-Up. Put on some music that really motivates you and gets you moving. You can dance to this as you get ready for your day. Yoga is a very popular form of exercise that is not too difficult or strenuous first thing in the Wake-Up. There are a lot of good videos on YouTube and elsewhere that will show you how to perform gentle yoga. The most important thing to bear in mind here is that the exercise routine you choose does not feel like a chore. Most people do not exercise first thing in the Wake-Up, so if you are one of these people you want to make the transition as painless as possible. Just do something easy to start with. Remember what we said about taking small steps? Even if you can only dedicate a few minutes to exercise each Wake-Up it is better than doing nothing. So make a commitment to get moving. Give Yourself Enough Time Rest Regardless of your schedule, give yourself the gift of restoration. Contrary to popular belief, you do have control of your time and if you don't take control. It's your life, health and wellness at stake. With proper boundaries, others will respect and even want to join you in the joyful way to wellness. The most successful people in life tend to own their time. They find ways to have proper rest in order to have the energy and focus to have a fruitful, fulfilling day. Don't get caught in specific times to do this, that or the other. With the right journaling and logging, you'll know intuitively and accurately how much time. you need to get things done, Goals, WHY Statements and Daily Plans Set your goals, create your strong WHY statement and commit to reading these out loud every Wake-Up. This is a great way to give you the inspiration and motivation that you need to move closer to your goal(s) each day. Read your tasks for the day and prioritize them. We recommend that you write your tasks for the following day before you retire each evening. If you want to you can write your tasks for the day ahead as part of your new Wake-Up ritual. The benefit of this is that it provides you with a clear plan for the day. We consider this to be an essential ritual for you to perform in the Wake-Ups. Clarifying your life purpose and the things that you need to do to achieve your goals is very empowering. Read or Listen to Positive Affirmations We all have weaknesses that we want to improve so we encourage you to identify them and then create some positive affirmations so that you can improve them. You may have some irrational fears about doing new things in your life and reading positive affirmations every Wake-Up is a good way to help to overcome these fears. Always use the first person when writing affirmations. An example could be: “I have total confidence in myself and I can do anything” The affirmations that you chose are going to be unique to you. Create a list that will put you in a positive frame of mind every day and will help you to address your fears and achieve the life that you want. We highly recommend reading positive affirmations out loud as part of your new Wake-Up ritual. Mindfulness Meditation Most people get off to the wrong start each day because they have many things swirling around in their mind. This can overwhelm them and elevate their stress levels. It is a good idea to take a pause each Wake-Up and get yourself back in the moment. A few minutes of mindfulness meditation will help you to do this. People avoid mindfulness meditation because they think that it is too difficult. It is not difficult to perform mindfulness meditation and in a short period of time you will find it very easy to do. The benefits to you from performing mindfulness meditation every Wake-Up will be immense. You will be able to clear your mind and focus on the important things around you. It is easy for you to do and very worthwhile. Mental Exercise Exercising your mind every Wake-Up is as important as exercising your body. Nobody knows everything and there is always something new that you can learn. In today’s world there is the Internet which is a great learning resource. Why not read more books? Each Wake-Up you can read part of a book for a few minutes. You could also try something that will stimulate your brain such as a puzzle of some kind. Work your brain every Wake-Up and you will make significant improvements in your life. Make Journal Entries If you don’t currently use a journal to record your life journey then we highly recommend that you start one. Journaling is a great way to record your thoughts and self-reflections. It is also good to review a journal for ongoing inspiration and to keep your motivation levels high. Record your goal(s), your WHY statement(s) and your daily task list in your journal. Use it to record your statements of gratitude each Wake-Up. Starting and maintaining a journal is a very empowering thing to do. Next, we will discuss how you can make your new Wake-Up rituals stick…

  • How You Treat Your Self Part 2

    How To Treat Yourself In The Best Ways Possible Every human possesses uniquely creative qualities- these qualities allow people to want to come out of the box and try to achieve more, encouraging them to foster steps that enable them to treat themselves in the best way there is. Think about how you treat yourself. Is this the first time you are evaluating your treatment of yourself? It shouldn’t be. This is because how you treat yourself is a pivotal life decision that can change the course of your life. Below are several specific ways that you should be treating yourself in order to be your best self and live your best life. Focus On Self-Respect Self-respect is the first step to changing the way you treat yourself. The concept of self-respect has been stressed in this work, but it cannot be overemphasized when you’re dealing with the idea of how you treat yourself. Taking time to develop your self-respect daily helps boost your confidence and lets you see people and your environment differently. Self-respect lets you make the right decisions around your wellbeing, allowing you to take control in many situations you will find in life. To get your self-respect back, start by doing things your body loves and isn’t harmful to your health. Take a break, go for a walk, travel to that dream country, hang out with friends or family. Consider your boundaries, make a list, and enforce them on an ongoing basis. Ensure the people in your life treat you will respect. Demand it! And of course, make sure you treat yourself with respect at all times. You respect others by giving them space and time and by listening to the things they say. And you should absolutely be treating yourself the same way. When you give yourself space and time to process what is going on around you, this can help you to achieve your goals. And you should always listen to yourself, your intuition, above all else, as this will guide you in life. Treat Yourself With Kindness You would never say something that you know would hurt someone that you cared about. And you should treat yourself the same way. Don’t put yourself down when you know what you are thinking is just hurting yourself. Always lift yourself up with supportive and caring thoughts and self-talk. During difficult times take extra good care of yourself with self-nurturing and self-soothing techniques that keep you calm and centered. Positive affirmations repeated daily that focus on self-kindness and positive encouragement are key to program your mind towards loving and caring for yourself. Make Yourself Important People often times become so caught up in being important in other people’s lives, that they forget to make themselves important in their own life. You should be the most important person in your life and be sure to treat yourself as such. · Be your own best friend. · Make time for your needs and desires. · Make time for self-care. · Manage stress. · Take care of your mental and emotional health. · Ensure you have a support system that supports you in the ways you need. All of these considerations promote your wellbeing and when you are well you thrive. Allow Your Heart To Dream In life, people often encourage children to dream, but then don’t allow themselves the same liberty as they grow into an adult, learning to tolerate a job and people they hate. But this isn’t the way to treat yourself. Let your heart dream about the unknown—because you never know just where this might lead you. Let Yourself Be Happy When people are overrun by regret, or don’t consider themselves worthy or important, this can cause them to feel shame or guilt when they experience happiness. Part of taking good care of yourself and reinforcing your value is let yourself feel happiness as this can totally transform your life into something new. Happiness promotes feelings of positivity which effect all areas of your life and yourself. · Seek out happy experiences. · Look for the joyful moments. Do things that make you happy and do them often. · You have the power to feel happy any time you wish. One way is to just think about all that you have to be grateful for · Plan experiences that promote happiness – look forward to them. · Spend time with people who bring you joy. · Consider all you have achieved as this fuels happy feelings. · Exercise stimulates feel good hormones in the brain. Compliment Yourself How often do you compliment other people in your life? Pretty often, right? Now how often do you compliment yourself? Probably not that often. And the fact that you don’t compliment yourself could be what is holding you back from succeeding without you even realizing it. Complimenting yourself helps motivate you and propel you through the tough times. Treat Your Body Like It Is Special People often get so caught up in their lives that they forget that you only get one body. And it is time to treat that body as if it is one of the most important things in your world—because it is! · If you need rest, rest. · Eat healthy food · Get your sleep · Get medical check ups · Exercise · Meditation · Rest and relaxation · Stress Management Taking care of your body is pivotal in helping preserve your health for years to come. Pay Attention To How You Feel Your feelings are a pivotal part of your everyday living. Your feelings are signs from deep within you and they are sending you messages well worth listening to. · Your feelings are important, they matter, they are a big part of you and should always be considered in terms of how well you treat yourself. · Consider what makes you sad or depressed and try to eliminate these sources of unhappiness. · When something doesn’t feel quite right – listen, figure it out! · Respect your feelings, and in doing so convey them to others to teach people how you want to be treated. · Talk about your feelings when you feel down as this allows you to process and release negative emotions. · Physical feelings are signs from the body that you need something, pay close attention these signals so you can take care of your health. Do Not Self-Depreciate Yourself Often, people depreciate themselves, "I can’t do it!" "I am not good enough!" "I can't cope with this!" telling yourself that you can't do something, is similar to a big cat saying they can't hunt a meal- it greatly diminishes your confidence. Your self-confidence is a power that makes you do anything you set your mind to do. If you believe it, you can be it! Often, the way you view yourself is guided by the way society sees you. Try viewing yourself from your strengths rather than the views of others- this allows you to boost your self-confidence and treat yourself better than before. Keep Track Of Your Successes Keep Track Of Your Successes In A Diary Or Journal. Keeping track of all your wins and successes helps you to navigate hurdles and maintain a high level of confidence and self-worth. Focusing on those strengths that allowed you to achieve in the past helps boost your self-esteem and reminds you that you deserve the very best life has to offer, which in turn can steer your actions to that end. Don’t Let People Treat You Badly Letting people treat you badly can affect every area of yourself and your life, from your work to your family, the way you treat others and of course the way you treat yourself. Always demand to be treated with respect, irrespective of the status or position of the person. Standing up to a bully is in itself a step to self-confidence. Allowing a bully to push you around only reduces your worth, which will affect how you treat yourself. Demanding to be treated well ensures you maintain a high level of self-worth and respect. Give it some thought and make a list of all the things you will not tolerate. Be prepared for whatever may come your way. Your self-worth is key to living your best life. When people feed your mind with negativity, it tends to throw you into a sense of self-depreciation. When you do not feel good about yourself it will affect your decisions, choices and how you treat yourself. Mahatma Gandhi instructs that “They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.” Know Yourself Fully In order to treat yourself in the best way possible and get your needs and desires met you must know yourself fully. Self-awareness begins with introspection. Self-awareness allows you to understand yourself on the deepest level, and this helps you to treat yourself in ways that fulfills you fully. How can you take care of yourself if you do not really understand yourself and all that you are? Make Yourself A Priority There is no one else in the world that can care for you like you can. When you make yourself a priority in your life you address yourself in a way that helps you to thrive and be the best possible person you can be. Prioritize your time, self-care, needs, desires, and boundaries so that you reach an overall level wellbeing and emotional and mental fitness to handle anything life throws your way and most important achieve a high level of satisfaction and meaning in your life. Address Negative Beliefs, Behaviors And Thought Patterns One of the more negative ways people treat themselves is by engaging in negative and self-defeating behaviors. This is more common than you might think and often we may not even be aware that we are doing this. To reach a level of awareness in this area will take some work and introspection, but it is well worth the time. For example, if you believe “I am no good at sharing my feelings” this belief will fill your thoughts and drive your behaviors. This belief means that you will not share your feelings with others, and in turn this will affect all of your intimate relationships, limiting you from reaching an ultimate level of happiness and fulfillment within those relationships. Be Your Own Best Friend When you care for yourself fully you open the door to all the best things that life has to offer. When you live from a high level of self-esteem and confidence you make better choices, choices that are self-supportive and self-elevating. Being self-supportive is a key concept in treating yourself in the best possible ways and is indeed pivotal in how your life and general state of happiness turn out. Find healthy ways to nurture yourself. Recharge regularly to combat all the stress and pressures you face in life. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and do it quickly. Never see failures as negatives, but instead learn from them and be supportive of yourself during the process. Practice gratitude every day, and make sure to focus on all that you are thankful for. This is especially important during challenging times. Cultivate a relationship with yourself on a regular basis. Nurture it. Cherish it. Ultimately, you are all you have, so be your own best friend. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” - Buddha Everything in your life begins with you! How you treat yourself is a pivotal life decision that affects every aspect of your life as well as your life quality and overall happiness and contentment. Overall, the way you treat yourself will ultimately direct your success, your health, and ultimately your life. This means it is time to take a look at how you treat yourself and recognize that treating yourself better is a pivotal life decision that it is well past the time for you to make. Proceed to the Next step:

  • How You Treat Yourself-Bite Sized Programs

    How you treat yourself is vital to the quality of life you will live. Giving yourself respect is pivotal to the way you see yourself. Honoring yourself offers you a positive view of life- it lets you make choices that are self-supportive and propels you to thrive. Self-respect becomes a natural occurrence when you have positive thoughts about yourself, always treating yourself to the best life has to offer. Having self-respect for yourself is pivotal to you making the best decisions in your life. This course will show you wonderful ways to treat yourself with love, compassion, trust and honor. It includes a full workbook to put all your ideas into action immediately. This course includes: 1) An introductory video, 2) A video which includes the Pivotal Life Decisions mindmap 3) The mindmap as a PDF for for you to keep 4) The course content material 5) Treat Yourself with Self Care Assessment Form 6) Curated coloring pages 7) The 86 page printable workbook or if you prefer to fill out the pdf you can use and type in your workbook. 8) Guided meditation Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is strictly for informational purposes. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions.

  • How You Treat Yourself Part 1

    Why How You Treat Yourself Is So Important How you treat yourself is vital to the quality of life you will live. Giving yourself respect is pivotal to the way you see yourself. Honoring yourself offers you a positive view of life- it lets you make choices that are self-supportive and propels you to thrive. Self-respect becomes a natural occurrence when you have positive thoughts about yourself, always treating yourself to the best life has to offer. Having self-respect for yourself is pivotal to you making the best decisions in your life. Professor Daniel Kahneman[1] posits that all positive feelings about yourself come from continuous self-respect, influenced by the views you hold of yourself. If you consider yourself not worthy of encouragement, you will live your life as if you were forced to exist in the first place. Research conducted by the University of Chicago[2] ascertained practicing self-respect and self-encouragement have a lot in common. The research was conducted on 16 volunteers with equal numbers who had given self-respect to themselves and the others who denied themselves self-respect. The study found that the latter group displayed a pessimistic view of life, negativity around feelings regarding other people, and generally punishing themselves for the most irrelevant actions. The former group who practiced self-respect and self-encouragement approached life with excitement, vibrancy, ambition, hope and kindness towards others. How you treat yourself indicates your level of self-worth. When you love yourself, you treat yourself with kindness and encouragement which results in you seeking the best life has to offer. This means all your choices and decisions are self-supportive allowing yourself to open the door to all the best life has to offer. When you treat yourself well you recognize your own value, this spills over into all areas of your life, including the type of people you attract, the way you allow people to treat you and how you interact with the world. Self-criticism and self-abuse are self-defeating behaviors that bring you down. Conversely, when your self-talk is positive and uplifting and you treat yourself like the star that you are and so everything in your life is better, and you are able to thrive. Everything in your life is affected by how you treat yourself. [1] Kahneman is an Israeli psychologist who won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2002. [2] Research conducted in 2017, which included Professor Leslie M. Kay, Professor David A. Gallo, Professor Edward S. Awh, Professor Boaz Keysar, and Associate Professor Marc G. Berman.

  • Treat Yourself, The Course

    You can also download the mindmap pdf included and keep View the short video and pause as needed to read it to your comfort level and pace Next: Enjoy the full course content on the next step

  • The Workbook

    Download the workbook PDF and print the pages as needed. You can also use to use the workbook online or on your computer and fill in your typed entries.

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