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Panic Attacks, A Checklist and Hope

Updated: Jul 28, 2022

What does interior design have to do with panic attacks? And what does beauty have to do with anxiety and panic attacks?

Let’s just say, it IS connected. If we can change our space and make it safe, comfortable, and flexible we can alleviate the feelings of being out of control we get from trauma, anxiety and panic. Beauty and adding beautiful things works with our chemistry and emotions. The mission and brief history of my goals are below.

I grew up in the blighted South Bronx of the 70s, I got beat up in every way and almost gave up. Now, I strive to find the beauty and beautiful things in everything and share that with YOU and use that beauty to design your life and spaces to heal trauma, pain and ultimately make life

Beauty as anything or anyone that is of truth, love, and compassion, that brings balance to persons, animals, places, objects, our environment, that expands life in a meaningful way, reduces/alleviates pain, creates harmony internally and externally, increases pleasure, hope, peace, laughter, and is pleasing by either soothing or stimulating the physical senses, the mind, and the spirit, and promotes healing, peace, and creativity.

Conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic stress, physical and emotional trauma, thyroid issues, Lyme disease and sleep disorders can lead to a release of excess stress hormones which include cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine and activate our pain receptors to go haywire.

How can we find a way of releasing these natural “feel good” chemicals more frequently so that our chronic pain is alleviated while we strive to find cures for what ails us? One of the ways is by actively seeking beautiful things and experience that bring balance and pleasure to our senses and heart.

The answer is, use beauty and beautiful things

What is a panic attack?

Some people wonder, How do you know you are having a panic attack? If you have ever had one there is no doubt you've just experienced one. Put simply, a panic attack is defined as the abrupt onset of intense fear that reaches a peak within a few minutes. Below is a list of some common symptoms.

Check any symptoms that you experience simultaneously:

If you experience four or more of these symptoms at the same time, you might have panic attacks. A trained professional can diagnose panic attacks or panic disorder. Many of these symptoms are also related to heart attack and other conditions. It is important to see a medical provider to rule out an underlying medical problem.


___Feeling of imminent danger or doom

___Feel the need to escape

___Heart palpitations



___Feeling of choking

___Shortness of breath or a smothering feeling

___Chest pain or discomfort

___Nausea or abdominal discomfort

___Tingling sensation

___Fear of dying

___Sense of things being unreal, depersonalization

___Fear of losing control or "going crazy"

___Dizziness or light-headedness

___Chills or heat flash

(Reference: Anxiety and Depression Association of America)

Here is the good news. There is help and ways to minimize this terrifying experience. Of course, I suggest that you consult with a medical and mental health professional. Find what the options for treatment are. Also, consider ways to provide a sense of safety, comfort and control in your immediate environments. I would start with your home and work then move to your commute and the spaces you visit regularly including your commute.


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