Design Your Life with Beauty
Self-massage is a simple, no-cost, soothing ritual that can and will help you ease yourself to sleep
The best part is that you can do it anytime, anywhere to any and every part of your body that needs it. If you are in pain self-massage will ease the pain. If you have soreness, tightness, or just want to wind down, a self-massage is your solution. But where do you start with all the fancy gadgets and confusing information out there? Easy, just read below and make it fun.
Self Massage for Beginners
Self massage can give you relief from stress and pain. You don't need any expensive equipment or much training.
Use this guide to learn more about self massage, including benefits, basic techniques, and tools.
Benefits of Self Massage for Sleep
1. Relieve strain from computer or any work. Pounding the keyboard all day can leave you feeling stiff. Although you may feel a lot of this tension in your forearms, it may originate in your shoulders.
Try kneading your shoulders for a few minutes. Stretch by slowly raising your shoulders to your ears and moving your shoulders in slow circles forward and backward. You can then move to your neck and gently massage in circular motion up and down both the right and left side of your neck.
If you need a little more pressure, you an press a little more firmly until you feel the relief you need. Cup a hand around the back of your neck and rub gently.
2. Self-massage will prep you for sleep and relieve headaches. Tension could be keeping you tense and awake or making your head hurt.
Gently rub your temples with your fingertips. Move your fingers in tiny circles all along your forehead and scalp.
3. Speed up your recovery from surgery or injury. Talk with your doctor or physical therapist about using massage as an aid in your recovery. Browse online for information at the American Massage Therapy Association or visit a local library for ideas.
Basic Techniques for Self Massage
1. Get into position. Relax and take some deep breaths. Do gentle aerobics, like walking in place, lifting your knees up high with each step. Follow up with a few full body stretches.
2. Create a comfortable space. Clear out a roomy area where you can move around easily. It doesn't have to be a lot of space, Just enough to move your body freely. You can add white noise, nature sounds, and soft music or lighting scented candles or incense for aromatherapy may help you relax.
3. Protect your hands and joints. While giving self-massage, let your fingers and wrists fall into a neutral position whenever possible. Also, change your strokes around as you work.
Between massage sessions, use hand exercises to strengthen your grip. Squeeze a rubber ball or alternate flexing your fingers and forming a fist.
4. Start off easy. Begin with light, smooth strokes.
Move slowly so you can back off immediately if you run into any pain or discomfort.
5. Add pressure gradually. Fit your hand around the body part you're massaging. Add pressure in tiny increments as your body warms up and you reach deeper into the muscle.
6. Apply massage evenly. Give each side of your body similar treatment. For example, if you rub your right foot for 10 minutes, give your left foot the same attention.
7. Stretch. Complete your session by stretching out the muscle you've been working on. Extend no further than a position you can hold comfortably for a few minutes. Yoga stretches are wonderful, so please go to the form below and sign on to my email list because I will include tons of yoga resources for free for you to use.
8. Talk with your doctor and other professional. If pain persists, see your doctor. A physical exam may be needed to diagnose the underlying cause of your discomfort.
Self Massage Equipment and Tools
1. Check out massage rollers and balls. Your hands can be adequate on their own, but you may like using tools, too. These tools help increase circulation and stimulate your tissue while your hands do less work. They also help you get at hard to reach areas.
2. Use a tennis ball. Much like specialized props, a tennis ball can go to work on areas like your lower back where your hands may have trouble reaching. Lie down with a tennis ball under the small of your back and rock your hips until you target the right spot. One of my favorite secret weapons for my severe chronic right shoulder pain. I can't believe I only just recently discovered it.
There is much more information you can view, subscribe below and let's get started.
3. Try adding oils. Heated massage oils are a nice treat. You can buy self-heating formulas or just pop the bottle into the microwave or hot water for a short time. I am biased because I use essential oils for healing, creating candles and roller massage oil blends. But hey, it works the healing process and smells divine. You can check them by clicking here or use your own oil blends.
Oils make your work easier by reducing friction. If you like, they can also add fragrance while they moisturize your skin. Or choose neutral oil such as jojoba or almond.

4. Apply a heat pack. Heat packs are another great supplement to massage. Warming up a sore back can relieve pain with no potentially dangerous side effects.
Self massage is as simple as using your own hands or some inexpensive equipment. Even ten minutes of self massage can do wonders for your well-being.
Get ready to knead your pain, stress away and sleep like a baby!
Wishing You Wholeness