Design Your Life with Beauty--

Everyone wants to get youthful and attractive appearance. Do you know that just by following some simple skin care techniques you can look younger? Here are those techniques. Just follow these and see the results.
Avoid over makeup
Many women use more cosmetics when their skin starts showing signs of age. It is advisable to use fewer amounts of cosmetics because as you get older your skin starts losing its firmness. If you apply more makeup it tends to slide into and accentuate lines and furrows.
Avoid all-over foundation
Don’t apply all-over foundation. Instead dot an opaque concealer or stick foundation over brown spots and broken capillaries. After that use a sheer concealer to eliminate shadows under eyes and in and around skin folds. It is better to avoid glossy lipsticks because they can slide into vertical lip lines. It is better to stick to matte or pencil types instead.
Make your face look attractive
Use a soft cream-to-powder blush for cheeks. It won't get caught in nearby crow's-feet. Rim eyes with a brown powder liner, applied with a dampened brush, for softer definition. Harsh lines may exaggerate wrinkles and sagging.
Stay away from round or scoop necks, which repeat the curve of a drooping bust. Instead use V-necks to direct the eye upward. To hide a sagging neck, avoid the classic turtleneck because it pinches loose skin. Use a scrunch-neck or loose-fitting mock turtleneck. And look for jackets with small shoulder pads to square off slumping shoulders and balance out widening hips.
Tips for jewelry
As for jewelry, stay away from chokers, because they draw attention to crepey neck skin. Instead, try a pendant necklace with that flattering V-line. Don't use dangly earrings that accentuate jowls. Delicate stud, button, and small-hoop earrings are all classic looks that enhance but don't overpower your face.
Use retinoids
Skin care experts recommend adding a prescription retinoid to your skin-care regimen. It helps to smooth UV-induced wrinkles, clear up brown spots, and reduce other visible signs of aging. Retinoids are the most documented and scientifically proven de-agers.
These potent creams and gels are acid derivatives of vitamin A. Over time, retinoids can stimulate collagen production and increase the skin's water content. This helps prevent sagging. It is also important to use sunscreens, which should be used every day, at any age, in any weather.
Finally but probably most importantly, SLEEP more
Sleep is the the way for the body to heal and rejuvenate. It is as close to the fountain of youth as we can get now. So get better, deeper and longer sleep.
Wishing You Wholeness
Diana Navarro and This Is Diana accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client/reader chooses to take or make based on his/her information provided here.